Chapter 05 : a new chapter

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" Suryeon-ssi I think you need to understand I can't just sell you twenty percent of my high school's shares , specially because you have shown no interest in any educative department for the last years " seojin tried negotiating , her day only got better .

" What if I double the price ? " 'two birds with one rock' seojin thought .

" I don't think there is any hidden reason as to why you don't want to accept me as a shareholder . I would be disappointed if I found out you still hold a grudge from high school , we were so competitive back then . But now I guess we've grown enough to realize that there are things much more important than grades . " surgeon raised one of her eyebrows waiting for the other woman's reaction .

" No , it's nothing like that . I would love to have you as a partner . Whenever you're ready to sign the papers . "

" As soon as possible " desperation could be smelled from a mile away .

Seojin had already signed papers with oh yoon hee this morning she knew the two would have a lot of disagreements but she was in the mood for some chaos plus it was only for sometime until she'll be done with them .

" Tomorrow morning ? "

" Sure " she got up offering her hand for seojin to shake while the other offered a big fake smile


" It's nice to be partners again , at least now it's not only for a science project " she said as they finished signing the papers , seojin smiled at her 'how much more do I have to tolerate her'she thought to herself .

As they walked side by side to the door they heard a slight knock .

" Seojin-ah " the voice sang smoothly .

She held the bags of food in one hand while pushing the door with the other .

She had a big smile on her face , today she wanted to celebrate their partnership so she brought food and strawberry cake (seojin's favorite) .

" Oh. yoon. hee. " suryeon acknowledge her while seojin all but sighed 'here we go again' she remembered the tough semester in senior year when she had to tolerate their bickering and fighting like angry birds .

They always seemed like an old married couple that fought a lot because one cheated on the other . But at least she was getting something at the end of this .

" Are you stocking me now ? " she half screamed at the short woman .

The woman in question just pushed the shim out of her way and put the food on the table .

" Don't get ahead of yourself , you're not that important . " she scoffed .

" Yah , seojin . What is she doing here ? " suryeon asked while the director just rolled her eyes .

" She's one of my business associates " she stated the obvious .

" Is this how you're planning on ruining my plan , when did you hear I was investing here ? " she questioned as she grabbed the woman's collar their faces now inches apart , none of them wanting to break the eye contact .

" She actually came before you . " seojin said calmly and at that yoonhee blew a kiss in the air in front of the woman's face .

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