Valentines Day

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Sitting in class, you looked at the ceiling.

(Y/N): Valentine's day... I'm so gonna make love with Yunyun.

Megumin: Valentine's day is great. It's a tradition where you give chocolate to the one you love.

You got up and got into the conversation.

(Y/N): In America, you could buy these little heart-shaped chocolate things. I used to buy them to make myself look less lonely and eat them when I got home.

Visha: Hehe. That sounds like something I would do. I don't think I could give away chocolate because I like it too much. A little wholesome moment coming from thicc lips girl.

Emilia: Who are you giving chocolate to, Megumin?

Megumin: Kazuma.

(Y/N): Quick answer.

Megumin: Well he's never really experienced it so I thought I'd be nice.

(Y/N): Right...

Megumin: Emilia, what about you?

Emilia: I'd just give some to pick maybe.

Puck: And I'd give some to you too!

Tanya: What are you guys talking about?

Visha: Valentine's day.

Tanya: Ah yes, thats the story of the victory of a marketplace where capitalism was able to generate order from religion.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, in Japan it's more of a marketing thing. There is also a white day to add to it. Pretty genius marketing if you ask me.

Tanya: Yeah! You get it!

Visha: What about you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): You know im married. I'll make some of my magic chocolate for Yunyun.

Later while you were making chocolate ignoring Albeto and that one bishop guys madness.

(Y/N): The end results are splendid... She likes good white chocolate and it also has dragon runes carved on it... For maximum taste quality!!!!

Albeto: Youre certainly being loud.

(Y/N): Heh, sorry. I just love putting care in things.

Albeto: I agree. I love ains so much! What do you think of his chocolate so far?

(Y/N): *screams then calmly immediately say* Looks nice!

You wrapped up your chocolate in a pink box and left. There you saw Kazuma and the nazis.

Kazuma: Gibe me choco!

(Y/N): Oh I see what he's doing... That works well Kazuma. Thanks for showing our friends here how it's done.

Kazuma: Heh, yep!

Then he left. Shaltear, Darkness, and Rem walked up.

Matheus: Gibe me choco!!!

He bent down and held his can't out.

Shaltear: What the-

Matheus: Choco!

He started running after them like a choco zombie.


He was kn the ground with his clothes all ripped up.

Tanya: What happened to you?

Matheus: G-gibe me choco, please?

(Y/N): *snort* I have to go! That was hilarious!!!

At the end of the day, everyone started giving iut chocolates. Yunyun, Mio, and surprisingly Tanya gave you chocolates.

Tanya: If it weren't for you, we may not have beat the destroyer. And I find that we have a similar mindset. Take this chocolate as a sign of respect.

(Y/N): Thank you very much.

Mio: U-um master? Here is some chocolate. I thought you may want some. I worked hard on it.

(Y/N): Thanks, Mio!

Yunyun: (Y/N), I have some for you too.

(Y/N): And here's some for you as well.

You exchanged chocolate with her and she hugged you.

Yunyun: I love you so much...

(Y/N): I love you too...

Dovahkiin in Isekai Quartet Fanfic (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now