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"Oh come on, you can't keep bending your face in front of me." Sana said while driving her car.

“Sorry, just not used to working with criminals." Said Jihyo who sat beside the driver's seat.

“Geez, you're not even a cop anymore." Said Sana.

“Get used to, beautiful. Who knows in the future we can become partners." Sana said while blinking one eye.

“Could you stop winking at me? You've done it so many times since then." Jihyo said.

“Sorry to say honey, but that's my specialty." Said Sana.

“So your specialty is flirting?" Jihyo asked.

“Have you ever heard the story of Adam and Eve? When Eve is tempted by a snake, what happens?" Ask Sana.

“Well, they're in trouble." Jihyo replied.

“That's my job." Said Sana.

“Humans are creatures of lust, and lust is everyone's weakness, especially men." Continue Sana.

“What if you have to kill a girl?" Jihyo asked.

"I'm not a cold-blooded killer. I kill for money and if a client wanted me to kill women or children, I wouldn't take the job." Said Sana.

“Why?" Jihyo asked.

“Woman supports woman. It would be very funny if you killed your own people. That's what happens when a legal wife bumps into her mistress, right? Swears and mentally kills her mistress even though the affair was committed by both of them. Basically, I don't like bringing down other women." Said Sana.

“Wow, was that a rant?" Jihyo asked.

“Just a few thoughts." Answer Sana.

“You sound so rational for a hitman." Praise Jihyo.

“No fool can become a hitman." Sana said.

Arriving at the destination, Sana parked the car.

“How do I look?" Sana asked as soon as she finished putting on the lipstick.

“Beautiful." Nod Jihyo.

"Hmm, I didn't expect you to compliment me so quickly." Sana chuckled while Jihyo rolled her eyes.

They got out of the car and walked separately. Sana entered through the front door of the hotel while Jihyo entered through the back door.

“I'm in." Jihyo said from in-ear when she had managed to change her clothes into similar clothes like housekeeping employees.

“I've seen the target. He seems to be relaxing at the bar." Sana said while walking so gracefully and seated herself not far from where Ahn Jihyuk was sitting.

“Tequila, 2 shots." Sana asked the bartender.

“Yes ma'am." Nod the bartender.

“Shit! The room is guarded by 2 men." Jihyo said.

“Get it done, don't kill them." Say it slowly.

*Brak! Bugh!

“You think I'm a murderer like you?" Jihyo asked while trying to hide the bodies of the two men she had just taken care of.

“Please, madam." The barista gave Sana two shots of tequila.

"Please give the other one to the master over there." Sana said while pointing at Jihyuk.

“Well." The barista did what Sana ordered.

Ahn Jihyuk turned his head and smiled faintly at Sana. The old man stood up from his chair and walked towards Sana.

“Good night beautiful lady." Greet Ahn Jihyuk

“Night Mr. Ahn." Sana said while looking up with her sexy and sad gaze.

After finishing, Jihyo entered Ahn Jihyuk's room and installed a hidden camera.

“I'm done, I'm going out." Jihyo said.

“Mhhmm your hands are naughty honey." Sana said as Ahn Jihyuk held his ass in the elevator.

“I can not stand." Jihyuk said.


The elevator arrived at the floor of Ahn Jihyuk's room. Arriving in the room, the man bombarded Sana with passionate kisses while taking off the woman's clothes and his clothes. Their activities ended on the bed with Sana on top.


“Ugh!!!!!" Sana covered Ahn Jihyuk's face with a cloth given the anesthetic.

The man fell asleep quickly. Sana walked over to the hidden camera that Jihyo had placed.

“Stop staring at my body and pick me up here, that man tore my dress." Ask Sana.

“N-ne!" Jihyo said from in-ear.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung, who had been monitoring everything from home, was already red in the face. Unknowingly, blood dripped from his nose.

“Yo! Chaeyoung! What's with your nose?!" Call Jeongyeon who is monitoring the movement of Mina's team with another computer.

“Crazy, blood is pouring out of your nose!" Dahyun said.

“E-eh I-I'm fine!" Chaeyoung was confused while trying to find a tissue.

“T-team C already succeeded." Chaeyoung said from afar.

“Ne, team A is also on their way home." Jeongyeon said.

“Why is your face red?" Chaeyoung asked.

"That man teased my wife, I've been holding back my anger since earlier." Jeongyeon said.




“Tzuyu-ya." Taecyeon and Kyungso tried hard to follow Tzuyu.

“I can't do it anymore." Tzuyu said.

“We beg you to believe in us!" Taecyeon tried hard.

“Sunbaenim.." Tzuyu sighed.

”We beg you to help us." Kyungsoo said.

“I can not." Tzuyu shook her head.

“They know I'm a part of you. The police chief told me everything about their plan. He said he couldn't fire me because I wasn't at the campaign event at the time but they chose to make me part of them. They offered a promotion if I didn't open my mouth and bother them again. You know I just want to get a good position in the police. Please, I can't do this anymore. I can't lose my job, please." Tzuyu said.

Taecyeon and Kyungso gave up. Tzuyu walked away leaving them just like that.

"Shit!" They growled.

Story by Tyzyxsdibacatizix
Translated by Jeongyeonism_

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