Mates ❣️

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-3 weeks later-

"Do you think our soulmate is a girl?" Taehyung asked as he munched on some chips.

"Why would you say that?" Jungkook asked looking up from his book.

The boys were sat in a cafe that was on campus waiting for the rest to arrive.

"I don't know and I don't mean to be rude or anything but I'm not that into girls" Jungkook declared as he closed his book and joined Taehyung on his journey of finishing the chips.

"Well I understand" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Hi," Hoseok says as he takes a seat next to Jungkook.

"Hi hyung," they both say at the same time smiling brightly at the man.

"What are you reading?" Hoseok asks as his eyes landed on the book next to Jungkook.

The boy sighs and placed his head on his hyungs shoulder and stares at his book.

"Stop being dramatic kookie" Taehyung says trying to surpass a chuckle, "hyung he is failing English," Taehyung says looking at Hoseok who was stroking Jungkooks hair.

"Hey!" Jungkook says a bit loud than he anticipated making a few eyes turn to them he ducks lower and sighs again.

"I can help you, stop sulking"  Hoseok smiles at the boy who was starting to become one with the seat.

Jungkook jumps forward slightly and turns to Hoseok with big eyes, " really!"

The older started laughing and Taehyung joined in.

"Yes, I've lived half of my life abroad, I can help you"

"Yay! Thank you, thank you" the boy drops his arms on hoseoks shoulder and pulls him in for a hug.

The pink-haired boy chuckles and rubs jungkooks back.

Taehyung on the other side of the table was smiling at the sight in front of him.

"What's happening here," a voice said making Jungkook let go of Hoseok.

Namjoon takes a seat next to Taehyung and smiles at everyone as he drops his bag on the floor.

"Hi," Seokjin says as he sits down on taehyungs right and sighs letting his head fall on the table.

"Hi joonie hyung, hi Seokjin hyung," Jungkook says with a wide smile.

"Hoseok hyungs says he can help me with my English"

"Also what's wrong Seokjin hyung?" Jungkook asks as he looks at the man who was banging his head on the table.

"My teacher," the boy says still banging his head but before he could hit the table again a soft hand placed itself in between.

Seokjin lifted his head and found Jimin.

"Hey, baby," Seokjin says and pulls a surprised Jimin onto his lap.

Everyone was surprised by what Seokjin had just called Jimin.

Jimin was blushing as he stared at the rest of the boys.

They haven't labelled their relationship yet and weren't really in a relationship yet and so nicknames like this weren't a part of their life.

Hearing Seokjin calls Jimin 'baby' did flutter everyone's heart.

And mostly jimins who was held tightly in seokjins arms.

Taehyungs mouth was slightly open and the chips in his hand fell on the plate again.

"Hyung," Jimin says after collecting his emotions.

Seokjin looks at Jimin "yes?"

"Uhm are you ok?" The boy said turning away from seokjins intense stare.

"Yes I'm ok, it's just my teacher is being quite demanding and we started like a month ago"

"May I sit there?" the boy asks pointing at the empty spot next to Jungkook.

"Oh I'm sorry," seokjin says as he let go of Jimin.

The blond boy shakes his head as he takes his seat next to Jungkook.

"It's alright," Jimin says smiling at his hyung.

"You are okay!?" Taehyung suddenly yells staring at Jimin.

"He just called you baby! And you are okay!"

"Stop yelling Taehyung," Jimin says

"Did I?" Seokjin asks suddenly.

"Yes, you did! Now call me that too!" Taehyung stared at Seokjin with his arms crossed.

Everyone started laughing at the boy.

"Baby" a whisper came from behind Taehyung, the boy turned his head slightly to find Namjoon placing his head on taehyungs shoulder and wrap his arms around the boy's waist pulling him closer to him.

Taehyungs cheeks turned bright red but he kept staring at Seokjin.

The older chuckled and moves closer to Taehyung taking his face in his hands and bringing him closer he tunes taehyungs head to the side as if he was going to kiss him on the lips but the man ducks lower and next to the curly-haired boys eat and whisper the words he craved to hear from the older.

Taehyung pushed Seokjin away since the whisper tickled his ears and he was quite sensitive, he jabs softly at namjoons stomach.

The purple head understood so he let go of Taehyung.

Everyone started laughing at Taehyung since his ears turned red along with his face.

"Okay! I am hungry" Jimin says suddenly.

"Let's order," Hoseok says and lifts his hand to call one of the workers.


"You have to go Yoongi" the boy shakes his head.

"Yes, my love you have to" Yoongi falls into the man's embrace and starts crying once again.

"Hyung I can't" his hyung places a hand on his head and strokes his hair.

"You have to go, mum and dad wanted this for you you have to"

"Hyung" Yoongi says again as his hyung pushes him a bit away so that he could look into his eyes.

"You have to make them proud and me too"

Yoongi looks at his brother with teary eyes.

"Now stop crying, they wouldn't want to see you crying," his hyung says.

"Why didn't I go along with them" he burst into another fit of tears.

"Yoongi!" His brother raised his voice as tears started to fall from his eyes too.

"Hyung," Yoongi stared at his brother startled.

"I'm sorry" his brother whispers as he pulls the boy in his arms once again.

"You can't leave me too, please don't think like that I can't lose you too," his brother says as he tightens his arms around yoongi.

"I'm sorry hyung I'm sorry," Yoongi says as he let his tears run again.

"Yoongi let's go on the last dinner together before you leave for your studies"

"Ok mom let me just get changed"

"I can't believe you got into Seoul university, I'm so proud of you son," his father says as he drives them to a restaurant where they celebrate all the special occasions.

"Hyung will come?" Yoongi asks

"Yeah he is waiting there for us"

They stop at a red light and Yoongi placed his earbuds in his ear.

He can't believe he is leaving tomorrow.

"Honey! Honey!!"

Yoongi opens his eyes and finds a bright light making its way to their car and suddenly there was no light.

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