Chapter Two

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Her grandmother lay in a small bed, the quilt was tucked neatly around her. The machine beside her bed let out an intermittent beep every few minutes. Her grandmother had only visited New York once back when her mother was still in her life. She was a young child then, but she remembered her as a jovial woman with large turquoise colored eyes like those of her mothers and herself. The withered woman lay in repose like a granite statue merely a shell of her former self. 

Her aunt gently brushed her silver strands. "When we got the news of Leyla's accident, she collapsed and has been in that coma ever since." 

"What do the doctors say?" Ayça asked her eyes tracing the blue veins under her paper-thin skin. 

Nehir shook her head, her shoulders slumping further down. 

 "They don't know if she will ever wake up" 

"What about a second opinion from a doctor in Istanbul?" 

"Her state is too delicate to move her...besides it would be impossible to transport her on the ferry." 

When Ayça awoke the next morning the sun had just risen, and its's gentle rays danced softly on the walls of her bedroom. The hotel was silent as Ayça crept around taking photos to send to her lawyer for the sale. It was apparent that there were no guests staying in the hotel at the moment, not that she would blame them. Part of her felt guilty for creeping around and keeping her intentions of selling the hotel a secret from her aunt and cousin, but she had to get rid of this place and sever any remaining ties she shared with her mother. This hotel was one such bond.She would make sure that they and her grandmother were settled nicely in some home on the island. Any place had to be better than this current squalid place they called home. She stopped for a moment in front of the room that had been her mothers. He will just have to do without a photo of that room, it was probably in a disheveled state anyway. 

As she waited for her relatives to awaken she made use of her time. She was able to find a dented tea kettle and placed it on the stove to brew some tea. This could do with some rearranging, and she began to tidy up the reception area. She opened the sliding doors that lead out to the outdoor seating area that overlooked the ocean. The linen curtains swayed softly in the crisp autumn breeze. She spruced up the throw pillows that had certainly seen better days, a cloud of dust smacked her in the face. She fell into a fit of coughing and didn't notice the man who was standing at the reception desk watching her. She jumped when she finally saw him. 

He was in his early fifties with a well manicured salt and pepper beard. His thinning hair was trimmed just as neatly as his beard. He wore a well tailored suit that cut an impressive and imposing figure of the man. His predatory gaze firm on her, like that of a lion on a helpless gazelle. 

"How did you get in here?" she asked him upset that he had just been standing there watching her for god knows how long. 

"The front door..this is a hotel is it not?" his voice was smooth and rivaled the silk that was no doubt woven in his expensive suit. 

"Well were you going to say anything? Or just stand there and stare?" she laced the last part with as much poison and disgust as she could. 

She caught his gaze settle on the toned muscle of her abdomen that peeked from between her crop top and pants she wrapped her cardigan around her more tightly. 

"Why? I quite enjoyed watching you" the way he said the last part made her skin crawl.  She cleared her throat aggressively."Well is there something I can help you with? Because I highly doubt you're here to stay in one of our fine suites" 

He took out a hankerchief and wiped the top of the reception desk before setting his briefcase down on it and taking a crisp stack of papers and handing it to her. 

"Whats this?" 

"An offer for your-" he paused "fine establishment" 

"Who said I was selling?" 

He smirked at her "You're woman what would you know about restoring and running a hotel" 

Ayça felt her blood boil, she grabbed the contract and ripped it up throwing the pieces in his face "Get the hell out of my hotel" 

He let out a low whistle "You are just as beautiful as she once was" quick as an asp he grabbed her tightly by the wrist and pulled her towards him "you share the same fiery spirit that can drive any man mad with desire" 

The wolfish look in his eyes, drove fear into her heart. She tried to pull away from him but he held her wrist in a vice like grip. With his free hand he grabbed a handful of her rich locks and inhaled deeply, she felt sick to her stomach. 

"Namik bey, what are you doing here?" asked a stern voice behind them. 

He released the grip on her wrist "Good morning Selma, looking wonderful as ever just like this lovely hotel" 

"Its time for you to go Namik" 

He brushed some of the pieces of paper off of him that fell to the ground like confetti. He snapped his briefcase shut and turned his eyes locking on Ayça "Oh before I go, I know she is new the island but it would be wise if you taught your niece some history and manners. Wouldn't want her making enemies with the wrong type of people" 

"Is that a threat?" her aunt said stepping forward to stand beside her niece. 

"Take it however you want" his firm gaze unwavering "I'll be seeing you around" 

When he was finally gone, the veil of tension lifted from the room. 

"kızım are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He aunt asked her looking her all over looking for any sign of trauma. But Ayça jerked herself free from her hold "Just leave me alone!" she yelled as she ran out of the hotel and down the steps to the beach. And she ran and ran until her legs and lungs were on fire. 

The further she kept walking she stumbled upon a maritime forest. Not wanting to venture too deeply for fear of getting lost she plopped down on a tree stump with a large huff. She stomped her feet and let out a loud scream, the birds shot up into the sky. She could feel the tension that had built up in her chest melt away. 

"Please kindly take your frustrations out elsewhere" said a voice behind her. 

She let out a small yelp of surprise and tumbled off the stump. Around the corner concealed by a large bush with his back resting on a towering Sycamore tree was a man. He had a hat over his face shielding him from the noontime rays. 

"Do you own this land?" 

He pulled the hat off of his face. She watched as his expression twisted into an annoyed expression and was about to no doubt throw out another passive aggressive comment but stopped when he saw her. Ayça recognized him as the young man from the bakery. He wore a plain white t-shirt that clung to his athletic build nicely. The island breeze ruffled his dark wavy locks, he wasn't wearing glasses this time. The short stubble was kept neatly trimmed and hugged the sharp angles of his jaw. Ayça gulped, he was more handsome than she remembered. 

He cocked an eyebrow at her "Getting into trouble again Sancak?" 

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