Chapter Ten

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Alp was punctual as they drove to the mysterious woman's house. He wouldn't say who she was only that she was very knowledgable about the island. 

"Why did you help me today?"

Alp laughed "Would you have preferred that I leave you there with him?"

"But you told me that he is a dangerous man and to not fall into his crosshairs..."

"You're right and its time someone stood up to him"

They didn't speak much after that, but Ayça could feel Alp stealing glances at her as they pulled up to a stunning seaside home. It was two stories and it had stairs leading up to a veranda that wrapped all around the second floor.

An elegant very well dressed woman with perfectly made up hair was busy setting up a table. Her eyes were lined with a dark kohl, and similar to Alp she had a freckle on her face but on the opposite side.  Although she was older, her beauty had transcended the time. Her face lit up at the sight of them as she set a tea glass at the table "You are right on time! The tea and cake are ready!" 

Ayça struggled to contain her amazement at the magnificent view that this woman had from her balcony. The outdoor sitting area was decorated heavily with flowers of all different shades and species that brought a colorful touch to the expansive blue. 

"Aylin, this is Ayç friend who I told you about" 

"Thank you for inviting me to your home" 

The woman hugged Ayça as if she had known her all of her life "I was wondering why he had developed such a fascination with the islands i can see why" she smiled turning to Alp "She is very beautiful" 

A faint rosy tinge blossomed on the bridge of his nose as he scratched his cheek "I wouldn't call it a fascination..its more of a curiosity" 

Ayça rolled her eyes at him, as Aylin let out a small laugh. They tucked into the delicious cake that was moist and laced with pecans and drizzles of honey. Ayca had two slices and several helpings of tea as they chatted about their lives. It was weird she had only just met Aylin but felt so comfortable in her presence. 

"Alp told me you are from New York City?" 

She shook head as she sipped on her tea "Yes, have you been?" 

Aylin shook her head flashing her perfectly straight teeth "No, I have always wanted to visit..but after Alp told me he didn't enjoy it-" 

Ayça whipped her head towards him "You didn't tell me you have been to New York!" 

He shrugged his shoulders "There wasn't much to tell, I went once...found it very dirty and I have no desire to ever return" 

After they had finished eating and were surely ready to pop at any moment. Aylin motioned for them to join her at the rattan settees that were arranged a fire pit. The air had taken on a chilly draft and Alp made it his mission to get the fire going. The warmth from the fire licked their legs wrapping them in a cozy embrace. 

"What do you want to know about the islands no historian but I have lived here all of my life. So I will do the best I can to answer them for you" 

"Is it true there is a treasure buried?" 

Aylin tilted back her head, a laugh escaping her lips " Barbarya's treasure? It's a story all of the children of the island are told.. thats what you want to know about?

"Will you tell it to me?"

Aylin shifted in her seat to make herself more comfortable "According to the legend, the pirate Barbarya and his men had pillaged a very wealthy merchants ship. One night as they were sailing back to their port, a mermaid appeared and she entranced Barbarya with her beauty and voice. He was so enchanted that he ran the ship into rocks at the barrier of an island. The mermaid was left trapped between the rocks and the ship, the men were so enraged that they killed her. But not before she cursed them and the gold that they so desperately wished to get off the sinking ship. When they reached land, the natives of the island killed them all. And the cursed gold was lost forever" 

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