Chapter Twenty

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Everything that happened after receiving that fateful call from her aunt was a whirlwind. She faintly remembered throwing some clothes into a suitcase and rushing to the airport to get on the first flight out to Istanbul. She didn't bother telling her father, because she knew how strongly he felt about Turkey and the last thing she wanted was for him to try and stop her.

When she arrived to Istanbul her aunt, cousin and grandmother were waiting for her at the airport with large signs and balloons. There was crying, hugging and laughing as the four women reunited at the airport. Her grandmother Berrin was nothing like how she had remembered her. Her hair was chin length and was dyed the color of chestnut. She carried herself with an air of elegance and she seemed to glide rather than walk as supported herself on a glossy cane.

That night after their plates were polished clean following a delectable meal of spiced lamb and braised green beans with roasted potatoes. The women sat in the large parlor of her aunts home sipping tea, an expansive window looking out to the Bosphorus in the distance. Her father had truly spared no expense when purchasing this home for them. However among all the happiness of being reunited it was impossible to ignore the palpable heaviness that hung in the air, it was suffocating.

"How did you like Iceland Kızım? Was it very cold?" her aunt asked politely as she nibbled on a square of Turkish delight.

Nehir burst forth with a giant smile and gleam in her eye. "You are so lucky you got to go there! I hear its magical!"

She nodded her head as she took a sip of the hot tea slightly burning her tongue in the process "It was magical and yes it could get very cold"

Her grandmother turned towards her.

"We need to discuss what happened in Izmirla" she said not bothering to sugar coat her words.

"Im sorry nene, but my aunt and cousin made a pact never to discuss anything pertaining to that place again"

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"Im sorry nene, but my aunt and cousin made a pact never to discuss anything pertaining to that place again"

Selma's body tensed as she stared at the ruby red liquid in her tea glass.

"Yes, I heard of that preposterous promise you made them both swear to...but I am not bound to it. Sancak women are not cowards, we will go back to Izmirla and-"

Ayça shot up from her seat the chair scraping against the mahogany wood floors a screeching sound filling the room. "I don't mean to be rude, but its been a long day and I am tired. Goodnight" she said as she exited the room. A heavy awkwardness filled the room as her grandmother shook her head in disappointment. Ayça collapsed against the door of her room sliding down to the floor. Her heart was beating madly in her chest as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

That night she dreamt of the island. She was walking along the sandy shores of a deserted beach. The gentle ocean breeze caressed her face and she welcomed its advances with joy. The sound of the waves lapping gently on the shoreline was music to her soul. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. His curly hair blowing in the breeze as he watched her from a distance. Her heart began to flutter as she made her way closer to him, he was still as handsome as she remembered him.

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