Chapter Seven

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Ayca slammed her eyes shut as Alp whipped the towel around his waist. 


"BECAUSE I AM IN MY BATHROOM ABOUT TO SHOWER!" He rubbed his temples, "What are you doing here?" 

She continued crouched in the corner, eyes squeezed so tightly that creases had formed around them. He continued to watch her a minute, she was soaked to the bone. The white shirt she was wearing clung to her body revealing the white bra she wore underneath. He forced himself to look away ashamed that he had gotten wrapped up in the moment. 

Alp chuckled. "You can open your eyes now Sancak"  he leaned back against the granite counter. 

Ayça gulped. She forced herself not to trace the distinct v-line that dipped beneath the plush towel. She kept her gaze trained on the green fig tree that was to the left of him. She could feel his unwavering gaze on her as if taunting her to take another look. How ridiculous she was being, he had no effect on her. Yet she couldn't even look at him without feeling a weird fluttering feeling in her stomach.  Contempt, it was most definitely contempt she felt towards him nothing else. 

Alp held out a towel towards her, the sound of squeaking and squelching from each step she took filled the otherwise silent bathroom. 

He let out another small laugh. "You could have at least taken off your shoes"

She shot him a glare as she snatched the towel out of his hands. "you could have at least taken off your shoes" she mocked him in a sing songy voice. Which only further amused him as he struggled to contain his grin. 

She wrapped the towel around her shoulders. "I hope I never have to see you naked again!" she shot at him and moved towards the door but he leapt like a jaguar and blocked her path with his body.

"Not so fast, you still haven't told me what you were doing here in my bathroom."

"I didn't know it was your bathroom...had I known I would have avoided it like the plague!" 

"I'm starting to think you like catching me in these-moments" he placed his hands on his hips to give her a full unimpeded view of his chest as she stood mere centimeters away from his bare torso. She quickly focused her eyes on a point on the wall, she noticed a crack had begun to form in one of the stone tiles. 

"You can't even look at me," he leaned over and whispered "It seems I have an effect on you Sancak" his hot breath sent goosebumps down her body. 

She rolled her eyes, fixing her gaze severely into his eyes.  "You are arrogant entitled smug and you are the last man I would ever want to be with!"  

She moved quickly to the right and he mirrored her. She did a quick short step to the left but took a long stride to the right in an attempt to fake him out. It would have worked too if she didn't slip on the puddle that she had made. What happened next was all a blur but one second she was falling to the floor and the next she was pinned to the wall with Alp almost on top of her.

"Let me go" she groaned as she fought from under his grip. She didn't dare glance down at the towel that was only hanging on by crudely tucked in knot. 

"Not until you tell me why you broke into my room"

"I already told you I didn't know it was your room" 

His grip remained firm but he made sure it was not enough to hurt her. "I have finished filming for today so I have all day-I am very patient"

"Fine you caught me" she narrowed her eyes to slits  "I wanted to get a second look at the infamous poyrex"

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