16. Gilded • royal taegi

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Growing up, Prince Yoongi has never liked the tradition of keeping slaves. It seems archaic and backward, watching all the court royals clad in the most dazzling designer hanbok outfits, parading around with beautiful slaves as trophy pets.

His parents shrug as he brings it up as a child, "It's a part of tradition. Feudalism is dying in this day and age, all traditions are. It's our job to maintain the orders from the past. You will understand, when you become king."

Yoongi never interferes with other royal's affairs, turning a blind eye as they flaunt and compete amongst themselves with their pets.To him, life already feels trapped, why strip more people of freedom for service, or assert dominance on the weak just for a show of power.

He has a secret dream, of being a modern sovereign that wins people over with intellect and principles, not just by inheritance.But over time, the dream dulls & recedes to the back, as he realizes that there are restrictions to the power of a prince, & eventual, of a king.

One day, during court, a group of prisoners of war was brought in. The neighboring country Omelas is the country's biggest rivalry, so after a critical battle, select captives are brought all the way back to the capital, as a show to flaunt the victory.

Yoongi watches as each royal family picks a prisoner to become a slave of the household. The group dwindles until only one remains, and the crowd in court quiets as he is brought in front of Prince Yoongi.

"He was a minor prince in Omelas. A suitable tribute to your imperial highness, I believe." The General bows in front of Yoongi, but his voice is loud enough for all to hear.

Yoongi frowns at the sight - the clothes on the tall slave in front of him are tattered, and the grime on his face can't hide the beauty underneath. There's a limp when he walks, and yoongi can tell each step takes tremendous effort, but the slave's head is tilted up proudly.

Yoongi clenches his jaw at the thought of how the general is putting him on the spot. All the prominent families at court have contributed greatly to the war efforts, they want to celebrate in a moment of victory. As the prince, it is his job to acknowledge their wishes and respect tradition.

His gaze turns cold, and just as he is about to deny the general the pleasure of watching him cave in, he spots the trail of crimson by the slave's feet, and the way his gaze flickers in and out, hanging onto life by a thread.

Yoongi knows the fate that awaits the slave, if he's to be rejected as a tribute. Whatever he's suffered so far will seem kind in comparison.The slave looks towards him, and their eyes lock. His gaze is unflinching, not an ounce of pleading to be found in those alluring orbs.

What an idiot, can't even submit to his fate to save his own life. Yoongi rolls his eyes, but can't deny the stir in his heart.If the tide of war turns the other way, and if our positions ever switch, would I be just as stubborn as you? Yoongi sighs.

On that day, the tall fallen royal of Omelas becomes the first and last slave of Yoongi's household. His name is Taehyung.

Later that night, Yoongi makes way to the small room by the edge of his residence that's been assigned to Taehyung. He hastens his steps at the sound of shouting and yelling. Striding through the door, Yoongi spots two servants holding Taehyung down onto the floor. His breath hitches at the sight of a metal brand by the fireplace, the insignia at the tip of the brand glowing dimly.

As per tradition, slaves of each household receive a branding of the family crest. Yoongi's royal insignia is that of a tiger. Not pouncing, not baring its canines, just a tiger lifting its front paw majestically, as if sauntering through an open rice field. For absolute power does not need to be flaunted, it's ingrained in him, the undisputed authority and responsibilities that come at birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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