9. Lost Boy • vmin

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"When I grow up, I want it all."

"What do you mean, Tae?" Jimin shifts, feeling the damp grass under him, as they gaze into the dark night sky above.

"You know that huge house two blocks down, the one with the big metal gate and tall fences? I want to buy it for my parents, so we can live in it together."

"Wow, but what would you do with all of it, it's so big for just the three of you..."

An eye roll, "Chims, you gotta dream big. I want only the best for us. I mean, you can live with us too, I'd have a room just for you, filled with all the video games in the world."

"I dunno, I'm fine with my room right now, I mean, it's small and gets hot but -" he pauses when he spots Tae pouting, and smiles sheepishly, "but you're right, it would be nice if we live together."

"Yes! I can buy you anything you want, anything! And we'd never have to climb the fence to sneak into this garden again, finally walking in properly like we own the damn place."

Jimin scrunches up his nose, and curls into Taehyung. Under the velvety night sky with a million twinkling stars, with the future spread out in front of them, filled with endless possibilities, it's easy to be optimistic. Jimin whispers, "Yes, I'd like that, together..."

Taehyung and Jimin have always been inseparable, growing up in the same neighbourhood as kids. They adore the gated garden across the street from their apartment buildings. It's reserved for the mansions of the rich neighborhood, but they would climb up the wrought iron fence at night to play inside.

It always feels so vast and magical to two kids, the forbidden garden at night, where they pretend anything is possible in the world. Next to the trickling fountain, lying on the grassy field with plumeria branches above them, they talk about dreams of the future with the kind of certainty and optimism reserved for kids. In all the millions of iterations of the future, they are always together.

Those are some of the best memories of Jimin's childhood, and he safeguards them carefully, just like his relationship with Tae, which morphs into something more as they grow up. First trembling kiss in the dark, first I-love-you under the mistletoe, first night when they shed their innocence together - love comes effortlessly to them, as if it was always meant to be.

But slowly, they begin to have different aspirations.

Tae is sick of their old neighbourhood and wants to break free, to see the world, and Jimin is a little reluctant to leave. So they linger around after college, Tae growing more frustrated by the day and Jimin putting up with the bickering. Until one day the inevitable happens, Tae announces that he got a job in the glitzy metropolis close by.

"Come join me. You will come, won't you?"

Jimin smiles hesitantly, "Maybe, maybe one day. I just started my teaching job here, can't just ditch like that. And it's expensive out there, so crowded and fast paced... I'll miss my kids... maybe you go first, I'll save up and find a job there, maybe in a year or so." He nudges his forehead into Tae, and gulps when Tae looks away.

"I'm doing it this time. You can't talk me out of it again. Don't try to guilt trip me, Chims. I have to get out of here, I've wasted too many years in this crappy place."

Jimin sighs, "I've never wanted to guilt trip you. If it's your dream, you should go for it, Tae. We'll be back together one day, we always do, right?"

On an unassuming summer day, Jimin watches as Tae drives away with a packed car, leaving him behind. He wonders if Tae is looking in the rear view mirror, as his own gaze traces the car until it recedes into the distance. There's a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, that something is changing, irreversibly so.

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