1: Old memories

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To love love, to love love,to love
I needed to loose you to love me
Selena Gomez _ loose you to love me...

: : :

The way the world evolves around us.
It's confusing.
Yes, all humans are imperfect.
We're all like glass cups.
And a glass cup doesn't decide a day when it breaks.
Most times it starts with cracks. When you mistakingly hit it.
Sometimes you don't apologize or feel remorse.
Because ' oh well it's just a cup '
People's hearts are the cups.
When you hit it the first time, and you don't feel remorse, it hurts.
But then you brush it off because ' oh well she's just my wife ' or ' oh well their just my kids ' or because ' oh well she's just my sister '

That's the fastest way to destroy a family.

I sighed, brushing my hair away from my eyes.
I looked in the mirror once more. I had the looks.
I had blonde hair that was smooth and gorgeous.

I had green eyes and I was 5'6. Money? I had it all.
I was your typical definition of drop dead gorgeous.

But I was sad.

I had no father. I had a bubbly mother. She was a happy person.
I had a brother I loved. But looking at him hurt my heart so much.

I was grateful. For this life and all
But I was sad.
Happy. But mostly sad.


"We're here sis," Rufus said, kissing my forehead.
"It's going to be fine. You know, your strong."

"But I'm aggressive. I'm a criminal, I'm a demon."

He gave me a sad smile.
"We all are. Don't you think? Just remember to count to 15, okay?"

I nodded, hoping out of the car as our driver drove off.

And as I walked into the school.


I walked and felt my shivering hands by my side.

"I love you," I heard my brother whisper as he held me.
I nodded, feeling tears on my face.

A shrill scream was heard as a girl with blackish brown hair jumped on Rufus.

He, startled by the sudden gesture almost tripped but I held him in place.

The girl showed her face.


Amandla Britain.

I smiled a little as she threw herself on me.

She peppered kisses on my face making people to turn and stare at me.

It wasn't one of disgust, it was one of adoration. And suprise.

"I missed you so much. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever leave me or Jay." She said, looking at me with glassy eyes.
"I missed you too. Now remind me where the Principal's office is, come on, make your self useful," I joked.

She hooked her arm around I and Rufus.
We got there moments later.
    As we walked into the office, I saw the principal's eyes widen in suprise as a smile played at the corners of her lips.

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