4: Jayden

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I'm stupid.

As I glanced at candy I realise how much of a mistake, I made.

Piper was my everything.

I loved her but the pain of betraying her was just replaying in mind for 2 years.

I needed a distraction.

And the year I decide to move on she comes back.
She just appears.
Candy is devilish. She's evil. I see her always commenting on people's flaws like she's perfect.

"Jay, are you even listening?" Candy's voice brings me back to reality.
"Probably daydreaming about the painter," Crys muttered.
I shot a glare at her, but she just smiled wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Who is the painter?" Candy asked furiously.
"You don't wanna know," Pete answered not looking up from his phone.

"I feel like I don't know you guys anymore," Candy commented.
"You never did know them," Piper replied earning herself daggers.
"Watch your mouth Piper,"
"Leave her alone." I snapped.

She looked at me in shock.

"You can defend your ex? But not me?"
"I've known her since I was 12. And you? I can't say the same for you,"
"You guys are all betraying me. For some stranger,"
"Karma's a bitch, you know?" Zendaya comments for the first time.

Oh no.

When she starts, she finishes.
But of course, Candy is just so stupid.

"Piper is our best friend. And unlike you, she has gone through pain other than having to wait in a line at the mall. This isn't even about money, because she is rich rich. But she has a character unlike some Barbie's, so stop being so jealous and intimidated already,"

Candy turned to me.

She reached out to hold me, but I flinched.
Her hands make me feel empty and disgusting.

"They are my friends. Back. Off,"

She took her tray, stomping away.

I looked at piper who was looking at me already.
I smiled, and so did she.

"Pete, one month before they get back together," Josey announced.
Pete shook his head.
"2 weeks, for them to get back together." Pete said.
"You guys we're right here," I and piper said in unison.

We laughed at ourselves.

"Yes. I see something happening. Let's go to class Pete." Crys said pulling him.


"Come in!"

I took a deep breath going inside Piper's room.
"What are you doing here? In my room?" Piper screamed.

"Look, I'm sorry. For everything, two years ago. For everything,"

She didn't look at me, but just went back to drawing.
"It's fine."
"You sure?"
"Yea. Totally."

"You think we can be friends?"
"Maybe someday, but just ....go,"


You said forever
Now I drive alone past your street
         Olivia Rodrigo - driver's


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