Chapter 1

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The air felt heavy. I can hear my heart beat as everything happens in slow motion before my very eyes- the guards pulling her away, their armor clanking while they drag her out of my grip. My heart starts to beat faster as the crowd yells in the background, chanting for justice. We both try to fight off the guards to get back into one another's arms, even if its for one last time as tears stream down our faces. She screams my name and the crowd gets louder. BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP!

I wake up in a cold sweat from my night terror- its been the same every night. Not even a few minutes to myself before I hear someone at my door, knocking. "Hydra, its almost time to open up- I know your morning's can be... rough,... so if you need anything before we open, just let us know. We're cleaning up the bar." I let out a big sigh before putting a hand on my face to smooth down the scales. "I... I'm alright, I'll be there- just give me a minute, I gotta put on my uniform. I'll be down." There was a small pause, but then I heard her foot steps as she headed downstairs. I finally got out of bed and started putting on a clean, white button up with long sleeves I like to roll up and a black tie with matching dress pants. I rushed to my bathroom to look in the mirror to brush my hair so I don't end up scratching my horns, and grabbed my keys to lock up my upstairs apartment before heading down to the bar.

I open the door and there it is- my secret holy grail. I remember when it was first passed down to me from a friend. When you've been alive as long as I have, friends come and go- but James was the first human who stuck around when I first came to town. Offered me a job, taught me how to work with technology to help me get used to this century, and put a roof over my head- and when his time came, left me in his will. The place is finally perfect after years of reconstructing- the now red carpet, the walls repainted going from a awful grey to a warm, and welcoming tan. I was even able to re-upholster the tarnished seats and booths, put an area in the back for my waitresses Anette and Willow for breaks, and have a decked out bar area where I work as the bartender. I start going over to the break room in the back and start up a fresh pot of coffee to help kick me in gear.

"Well good evening Anette, Willow- what's cleaned, and what needs to be cleaned? Also there's a pot of coffee starting up, so if you need it, its there." The girls join me in the back and pick up their mugs as we wait for our hot beverage, the scent swirling around us. "Well... I may or may not have used my wings to speed up the cleaning process? Other than wiping down your area, we are good to go," she said as she looked at me sheepishly while her pink hands fiddled with her mug. "C'mon Anette, you're supposed to save your fairy flying for when we hit our rush hour." I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head at her. The coffee pot interrupted us, letting everyone know it was ready- I rolled my eyes as I fill up everyone's cup. "Wellll since our clean up is pretty much done, can we PLEASE order some breakfast or something? I'm starving," Willow asked as she clutched her stomach. "Its too bad we cant go somewhere right now- I mean, look at you! Hydra, honey, when was the last time you've went outside?...You're always here- that can't be good!" There was a bit of a pause, silence filling up the space between us.

Anette has always been the mom friend- constantly trying to take care of us, especially me ever since she walked into my room to wake me while I was in the middle of a night terror... That day I woke up with fear in my eyes as my scales were showing- I remember waking up in a puddle of my own sweat and feeling like I couldn't breathe. She took care of me that morning, but ever since then, she has knocked on my door. I breathe in deeply and let out a sigh as I put my free hand on her shoulder, " Anette, I'm fine- really. You shouldn't worry so much." I let go and take a large sip. "Besides, if you keep that up, your face is going to go from pink to pastel pink." "Bahahaha!" Willow erupted with laughter at the terrible joke, making her afro puff buns shake. "Willow, I'll order us some food, Anette, Please set the table for us."

I can hear Anette and willow as I hang back to have the rest of my coffee in peace. "Hey guy's what do you want to eat? I'm thinking Moe's! Or Ihop!" Next thing i know, i hear two audible gasps and then excited dashing as if it was a race. " Moe's! MOOOOE'S!" They sing it together and out of key as if they were kids, and I couldn't help but laugh with them. Moe's may be a small, unknown diner, but their breakfast is a total classic for all of us- it was the first thing we ever had together. I fish my phone out of my pocket and make the call.

"Hi, can we get three pancake specials- strawberry blast, banana surprise, and a Choco chunk?... Great thanks Weston, catch you later old timer."

I go over and join them as we wait. I try keeping an eye out for our delivery as my stomach growls, the caffeine finally hitting me awake. Vehicles rush on by like horses at a race track, light shining off of all the different hues. Man where the hell is Wes- wait... Who is that?

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