Chapter 7

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As we drive off, my phone buzzes. I dig it out of my pocket and check the notifications to see Flora had sent me a text; it was the picture of all of us for me to save onto my phone for keeps. A small smile plants itself on my face as I go ahead and save it, and put it as my phones new wallpaper. "Is Rally's okay with you guys?" My stomach growled- I didn't know how hungry I was until now. "I would object, but I'm too tired to make dinner- so yeah, I'll try it just this once." After awhile I must've fallen asleep on the ride there, because when I opened my eyes again we were pulling up towards the fast food joint as my head lay, resting on Flora's shoulder. "Ope, sorry about that," I said as I shot back up and back into my seat looking embarrassed. "You're fine sleepy head, I let you pass out so you'd feel better when you woke up- I just wanna apologize about beforehand though, my questions are a bit much. I'M a bit much." She was fiddling with her fingers, guilt written all over her face. "It's okay- I haven't exactly opened up to anyone, and... I'm trying- that's all. You definitely gave me a shove though," I said nervously, joking. "I know, but I also know you're having a hard time with this- just take it one thing at a easy. One thing at a time," she objected. Right when I'm about to say something back to her, Anette turns around, facing the both of us. "Maybe she's right- I mean, we're glad you're finally opening up sweetheart, don't get me wrong, but we can see when you're uncomfortable. One thing at a time will be easier on you. Your bad ass façade can't hide all your facial expressions dear." I was interrupted yet again as Willow hopped back into the jeep with a bag full of food. Ugh, how does it smell bad AND good at the same time? "Alright, I got everybody a lil' something- lets get us over to Hydra's so she can make piiiiie," she sang out loud. I take my phone back out and sent Flora a message as Anette turned back around, fishing fries out of the bag. I rolled my eyes as I hit send.

When we get back inside my apartment, we all pile up in the kitchen to eat

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When we get back inside my apartment, we all pile up in the kitchen to eat. Willow puts burgers and fries out for everyone- except Anette of course. When I unravel my burger, it seemed like it was a mountain of meat and cheese. "What in the world is this again?" Willow looked up, fries in her mouth already, " I got you a burger that has a lot of protein." To hell with it, I think while I take my first big greasy bite. " So Tuesday- hiking? A lil bit of camping? Smores," Willow hypothesized out loud. We all shook our heads as we munched excitedly on our burgers, and Anette with her giant order of fries.

As we finish, I got up and started prepping to make pies. "Flora, would you mind giving me a hand?" She agreed, and came over to wash her hands before cutting apples while I pre-heat the oven and grab all the ingredients from the cabinets. Willow and Anette were sitting at the island still, talking to us while we worked. "So you go visit your mom and family a lot?" Willow shook her head as she drank from her almost-empty soda. "Species like me and Anette have a bit of a close knit community when it comes to family." 

"It's true," Anette interjected, "my folks live in the city too, so I don't have to drive far."

"I try to give them time with loved ones when I can." The aroma of apples and cinnamon waft through the room as I show Flora how to start boiling homemade pie filling I have mastered after all these years. We start in on making two more pies while the first two cool down, the heat from the oven hitting my face. After I close up the oven Flora starts cleaning up a little- I rush over and throw some flour at her, making her gasp; she put both her powdery hands n my shoulders, coating my clothes. Next thing you know we are chasing each other around the kitchen planting handprints everywhere and on everyone- Willow and Anette getting in the way of our friendly flour fire. 

"Alright, alright- you win," I chortled playfully. Everyone is covered in splotches of flour and sweating from the fight. "Oh god, now we REALLY need to clean up," Flora laughed. "You guys can can clean up in the bathroom while I take care of this," I say when I catch my breath. "I can help!" Flora sweeps as I put the rest of the ingredients and flour away, and then joins me as I clean up the counter and table with paper towels. "This was a lot of fun, but your poor kitchen-" I chuckled, "oh, it's nothing really." Right when I was going to put it in the trash, we accidentally run into one another. "Oof, sorry about that- ope, it looks like you got some flour on your face." I take a paper towel and wipe it off of her cheek for her. Even though it was a small gesture, it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest and I try to avoid eye contact as I do so- but in a moment of weakness I look up to see her blushing as she stared at me. "Uh-uhm thank you," she says bashfully, then wipes my face in turn. We stare at each other for a minute when a cough breaks our trance.

Willow and Anette were standing there, cleaned up with their hands on their hips. "Look at you two, all cleaned up- you each get your own pie, Flora, thanks for the help, but you can go wash off now," I say as we put the used up paper towels in the bin. "Thanks," she utters sheepishly  as she speed walks to my bathroom. "Oooooo," Anette teases while she wiggles those damn eyebrows at me once again. "I know right? Girrrrlthat was intense- like camping. Hahah, get it? But no seriously dude- you two seem to be getting chummy with one another." I just shake my head while we all sit at the table. "Don't think it's like that- she was just wiping gunk off my face. No biggie." Anette has a mischievous grin. "No dude, I think somethings there." I just roll my eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about- we just get along the way you do with each other. Nothings different." They look at one another- Anette's grin is gone while Willow looks confused for a quick second, but then it soon turns into a look of understanding. "I get it- old Hydra's a lil' gun shy." I get quiet as a deep part of me feels shame- I'm just not ready, or at least... I don't think so. Anette's mom-friend instincts must have kicked in because she comes over and sits next to me and gives me a side hug. "Oh dear, it's okay- she was just giving you a hard time. We know you need time sweetheart, and that's okay, okay?" I hug her back and nod my head. "Awh man, I didn't mean to make you feel bad- I'm really sorry."

"It's okay- I know you didn't mean anything by it, it's just- after what i been through..." A pause between us surpasses and she reaches her hand over and squeezes mine, "hey, it's gonna be alright- you're with us now." Willow lets go and Anette gets back up and sits next to her again as we hear Flora's footsteps. "Does this look better?"

"Of course," Anette confirms with a sweet smile.

"Hey, it's getting pretty late actually- me and Anette should head out here soon." I look at the time, and sure enough she was right. "Well, you're more than welcome to take my pie dish with you, just return it okay? I always buy good puts and pans, do don't lose it," I say only half joking as I hand them their pies. "Oh, uh do you need a ride Flora?"

"Oh well if it's not a bother then I would definitely appreciate it." I hand her her pie too as they say their goodbyes and all head out into the night. Oh god, I feel so fucking tired- I feel like so much has happened today. Being of of my apartment, picking apples, eating garbage food- a day of all sorts, I think while I get ready for a shower.

*Hello everyone!!*
My name is Mac, and if you like what you have read so far, then please feel free to leave a star, a comment, or share this story with friends!
Thank you all and have a wonderful day ❤❤

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