Bustani Natural Wellness Clinic

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Based on Psalm 46:10 and Colossians 3:1

A/N:Based on Psalm 46:10 and Colossians 3:1

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Askale Davis as Dr. Imani


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Dr. Imani as an anime

Peace and shalom! Welcome!
I'm Dr. Imani. Nice to see you!
You've known me as the lavender ninja queen of Upper Bustani.
I'm also an herbal psychiatrist, as you see.

So, anyway, I've seen that you've booked your appointment.
I've also received your email mentioning that you're in need of improving brain concentration.
You're off to a great start! And yes, life does include distractions.
Did you know that research studies say that brain concentration difficulties can be treated with herbal supplements rather than chemical-type medication?

Anyways, let's begin our session.
Would you like a cup of tea?
I have chamomile, and it's a calming tea, especially if you happen to have an additional condition, like anxiety.

*** 20 minutes later ***

So, I see that you lose focus when it comes to your relationship with the Most High.
Mind you, I know what it's like to have distractions constantly coming in life.
And I know how difficult it is to just focus on one thing at a time.
It does take a lot of practice and self-discipline.
Anyways, and now for your treatment plan.

I will start by prescribing you elderberry vitamins.
Elderberry is high in iron, and iron helps improve brain concentration.
Another herb I will prescribe you is green ginger tea.
Ginger is high in magnesium, and green tea is also good for concentration, and it'll help your motivation increase.
And most importantly, include Bible study sessions, scripture-based yoga, ASMR meditation, and prayer meditation in your morning routine, lunch break, and night routine.

For your Bible and prayer meditation routine, I will prescribe you a couple of scriptures. Very important!
Psalm 46:10, the NIV version -
"He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
Memorize that verse. Very important!
Another verse I will include in your prescription -
Colossians 3:1-2, the NIV version -
"Since, then, you have been raised with Yahshua, set your hearts on things above, where Yahshua is, seated at the right hand of Yahweh.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
‭‭Do memorize that verse, too!

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