17 - THE GHOSTS also nbg first challenge😮

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Elton Johm saw bts 1 eating food at the great hall. He wanted to go up to him and eat his lunhch with him but he was too shy 👉👈 so instead he decided to draw bts 1 with his y/n like art skills🦷

Nbgs first challenge was coming up and he was scatef so he went looking for adicivece from people. Nobody was any help.

He decicdc to be helpful tho and told Lillie and Jake and Robery Plant about the challenge, dragon tupe pokemon

None id them knew ehat a pokemon was exept for Lillie so that was fun😓

Feeling lost and sad and all allome in thoughts lost in thoughts all alone since he lost his bff Michael

Hes not dead they just fought to the death

Nbg decided his only hope was yhe oyher gryfundors. So he went to talk to them

Big mistake theyre all useless

He went to Pual McCart and Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen for advide and but they actually sort of helped him

Sort o

"HI NBG U READY TO DIEA!!!!!" Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen asked Nbg was unhappy to hear this

"I want tome advice. Youre both old. Tell me. "

"No lol ive never done this so how wouldnin know dieoy?" Said paul

"2why dont u ask our ghosts i bet theyre smartasses." Suggested Roger Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen

Nowhere Boy George looked thoughtful and decided. "Yeah goot idea Roger Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen!"

"Np now doubt vother us"

So nbg went on a mini quiest to find the Gryffindor ghosts. Theyre hard to find because they're alleays messing around with the other ghosts doing ghost things

Like food club

And film club..

Or chess...

Or what id wear if i could today, today club...............

You get the point theres not mych for them to do

Lmao anyoway nbg eventually found the Gryffindor ghosts not really doing anything, they wherre in the corridor witht some of he other ghosts


The Captain looked at him confusedly like 🙄 and he and the Hufflepuff ghost Pat approached


"Hello NBG how u?" Pat asked NBG ignorer him because he is mean

I" need all the grfindoe ghosts!"

Captain 🙄 again and got the toehr ghosts because he is the captain and does what he wants to

Surprisingly theres only 2 Gryffindor ghosts usually gryfindor tales up the whole cast so thats fu

Not for nbg bc the only other ghosts is sir fully headless headless Humphrey 🤬

He didnt hve his head

"Ugh its flaaen off again🙄✋" said Mary another Hufflepuff ghost.

"Thats a shame, bet he couldbahbe givinw u some iseful insight." Said the captain

"Oh no, anyway," Julian the meanie Sylthering gost aaid because all sylutherins are mean siad

Julian has no trousers because uhe died doing the UNSPEAKABLE NOT ON MY CHRISTIAN SERVER

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