9 - Obsession and True Love

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"Omg were ideots!!!" Paul screamed at his mates. Gree looked at him like 😒 Ring shunk into hes seat in scred bc hes a soft boy apparently and john higgs ringo bc theyre bfs i mean bffs.

"You did know the potion can't actually create love? Just enfatuation and/ or obsession right?"! Gred dasded monoton.


"Howdyou thinkball the Rvanenclaws fwll?" Sked john.

"Idk theyll probs hate me if i tll them," paul explanedx, "can you eveen reverse a lov oition!"

"Idk but this is a fanfic so we can use fanficyion logic if all else fails," rongo saind.

"Wowo" they all sif bc fingo had good idea. So they wented to find davd first to see how bad he actually was. It wa sbad

Davdisds was skiping aroug the sckool lile a weirdo paul only loves him mroe. John eeingo and gred were just confused.

"OI DAIVD!!!"  Johm scremed. David liked at them and John litterally blimcked and he was standing next to paul.

"Hellooo,",",@,,@ he said to paul. Not to the others. Th eh te gross.

"Hi dvsdod?" Paul aaid. Johm pulleddavd off paul and koked hom hinnhis eyes.

"Yo are mad you kbow that right?" He wasked. Oop

"No," he tried to keiic jphm to get free but dailed bc jihn os too POWEDUF.

"Literally a day afety you sau you font ljke pail your head over held for hkm havent you noticed?????"


"Yeah whatever, you coming with us my boy," Johm said and threws pauls bf over his shoulder like shrek did to fiona in shrek.

Is john tryna steal pauls bf? Bc Lennowie is not real. Mcbowie is

 Mcbowie is

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