Swinging in peace

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Matthew glanced in my direction and gave me a sheepish smile. "Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked, my voice full of annoyance. He has been driving for about four hours down the interstate. About twenty minutes ago we began traveling down dirt roads. The entire time he has been refusing to tell me where he is taking me.

"Patience sweetheart. We are almost there," he replied in a sing-song voice. I smiled at his silly antics. My cousin Matthew was one of the few people who could still make me smile. We were on our spring break in our junior year of highschool. He decided to take a vacation with some of his friends and invited me to come along. He helped me pack, but refused to give me any clues as to where we were going other than what to bring.  

Matthew began to fist pump the air and turn up the radio when an unfamilure rock song started to play. This isn't Jersey Shore! He needs to get some new moves.

 "Uhhh, you're so weird!" I complained in a playful tone. I really needed this time with him. He was my best friend when we were children and he continues to hold that role in my life. I feel so thankful for him.

"You love me! You know you couldn't go to spring break without me!" he replied, a cocky grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "....yeah, I'm just here to make sure you don't get somebody knocked up."  

He plafully hit my arm and rolled his blue eyes. "Almost there! Close your eyes," he instructed in a very serious manner. I did as comanded and put my hands over my eyes just so he wouldn't think I would peek. A few seconds later I felt his truck pull on to a new terrain and could hear the crunch of gravel underneath the tires. "Alright, open 'em! " he shouted in my ear as he pulled my hands off my face.  

I was immediately greeted with the sight of a giant, sparkling lake, enormous house, and beautiful scenery. It was a monumental sized place. There was even a huge tree with a tire swing and flower beds everywhere. I felt a big grin overcome my face.  

"Matthew, it's beautiful!" I screeched while throwing my arms around his neck for a bear hug. He began to chuckle. "Glad you think so, Alana, but you didn't have to mess my hair up." he whined. He began to rake his fingers through his light brown hair while looking in the rearview mirror. I hopped out the car shouting, "Hurry up, pretty boy!"  

Matthew scowled at me. He absolutely hated when I called him that. A wicked look crossed his face as he climbed out and began charging at me. I shrieked while running as fast as I could towards the tire swing. My breath quickened after a few minutes of running. When the swing came into sight I dove in it so that I was laying flat on my stomach through the tire itself. I began swinging and pulled my legs up so that they wouldn't scrape the ground. Matthew ran up to me, laughing as he saw my childish way of swinging. I continued as if he wasn't even there.  

I hadn't heard the familure sound of tires driving over gravel earlier, but when I looked up at to see Matthew smiling at someone my stomach dropped. I hated most of his friends and despite agreeing to come even though I knew they would be here, I wasn't looking forward to seeing them. Oh boy. I wish it was just me and Matthew rather than having all his douche bag friends with us.  

Feeling a pair of eyes on me I removed myself from the swing. I began to dust my shorts off and readjust my white lacy top. I loved this shirt and the way it was flowy but still showed off my figure. I began to frown a bit when I noticed a small stain towards the bottom. I was so distracted that by the time I had completely gotten the stain off I had forgotten that someone else was here.  

I quickly looked up to see that Matthew had walked off. There was also an absolutely gorgeous guy standing a few feet away. He had a medium build and was tall. I would guess he was somewhere around six foot . He also had a nice tan. His hair was a dark brown color and he had pale blue eyes. He was staring straight at me and smiling a cocky grin. I raised my eyebrows at him. Why is he staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face? Is  my hair messed up?  

His smile widened when he noticed the confused look I was giving him. Seeing this caused little flips in my stomach and tingles in my toes. What the hell is he staring at?  

I cleared my throat and smiled right back. " Hey, um... nice to meet you," I said calmly. He looked me up and down while saying in a deep voice, "Yeah... my name is Lucas. Nice to meet you too." His voice was so nice, kind of unique. It wasn't too deep or too high pitch and was very soothing. I wonder if he's a good singer. I quickly nodded my head in response. Well.. this is awkward. I'm kinda bored. I can't wait to get to swim in the lake! Hmm.. I wonder what Lucas will look like in just swim trunks.  

I let my eyes drift to over the lake. It's so peaceful here. The light breeze fanning my face.  

I noticed Matthew headed in our direction. He looked at Lucas and an immediate smile broke across his face. "Hey man! I like your new car. You should let me drive it sometime." he said as he walked over to Lucas. He quickly turned his attention towards me. " Oh hey, I forgot to tell you! This is my cousin, Alana," he said while gesturing towards me. "She'll be hanging out here with us! I decided to take her with us so we could also celebrate her birthday. She has no life and was just going to stay home."

He had a goofy grin on his face as he told Lucas this. Lucas started smirking as soon as Matthew finished his little story. I rolled my eyes at him. " You know, you could have just said my name. You don't have to be an ass. Plus you know you'd miss me if I wasn't here," I said with my own smirk. Matthew shrugged and then a wicked glare crossed his face. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he ran towards me and threw me over his shoulder. I let out a little squeal of suprise. He quickly ran towards the truck as I bounced and struggled to keep myself steady. I looked up and saw Lucas laughing at the two of us as he walked in our direction. Glad someone finds this funny.

All of a sudden Matthew put me back on my own two feet. I playfully hit his arm. "What was the point of that?" I asked while glaring half heartedly at him.

"Don't pretend like that wasn't fun!" he smiled.

"Why on earth would I have found that entertaining?" I questioned. He mocked hurt and cried out dramatically, " Everything I do is amazing! So of course you were having fun."I giggled at him. "You're such a drama queen!"

He grabbed our bags out of the truck while I started walking towards the huge log cabin.  

" Why do you need three bags for one week?!" he asked . He looked like he was struggling. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why did you offer to carry them if you were going to act like that?" I asked with a patronizing tone.

I reached over and grabbed one of my bags from him, the heaviest of the three. We both glanced up to see Lucas walking towards us with a bag of his own. He looks so cute..

I shook the thoughts off. The last thing I need is someone like him.

Matthew pulled out his phone and grinned. " The boys are almost here.. Josh has the keys." he stated.     "Awesome! This is gonna be the best spring break ever." Lucas said while doing a weird little dance. I laughed along with Matthew as he continued his happy dance. Lucas stopped as soon as he noticed we were actually laughing at him. He pouted and said in a whiney voice, " Don't hate on me because I have moves."

I rolled my eyes at took a seat on the porch swing. I began humming the song "Gives you hell" by The All-American Rejects. That was definately the mood I was in at the moment. I heard the sound of cars pulling into  the driveway. I took a deep shaky breath while running my hand through my long hair. Here we go...


Hello there. This is my first story on wattpad! I hope that you like it. Thank you for taking the time to read. I would love comments and advice on how to make the story better. I also would appreciate votes. Thank you guys. I'm still not sure who to use as each character so that would be helpful if you could leave suggestions. Also, I'm not the smartest person so there may be many mistakes in the story. Anyways, in the next chapter more characters will be introduced. Again, thanks for reading. :)          -Katie  <3

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