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Lucas pov


I looked over to see Alana zoned out. Seeing Chirs, Derrick, Jarred, Johnathon, and Josh heading our way I smiled. They all had a bag in their hands and looked really excited. I noticed Josh playing with the keys in his hand. "Josh! Throw me the keys!" I shouted.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and caught Alana's eyes. I smiled a slow grin at her. That is until I heard Josh shout, "Heads up!" and saw the keys about to hit Alana in the face. She snapped her hand up just in time to catch the keys with ease.

I felt my eyes buldge out of my head a little. When I looked around I found I wasn't the only one shocked that she actually caught them. So I guess i'll add fast reflexes to the list as well as fast runner. This girl could come in handy if there was ever a zombie apocalypse.

"Josh, you throw like a girl! You're lucky she has fast reflexes or you'd be in a world of hurt right now," Matt joked. I heard Josh tell him a lame excuse about the sunlight getting in his eyes. I then watched as he turned his attention to Alana. He was like an animal looking at its next target. "Sorry about that though." he said. Then, he flashed the smile that he uses to win over the ladies while he checked her out.

Oh hell no! No way am I going to let Josh have Alana. I watched as Alana returned his smile with her own. "It's all good," she said in a flirty tone. I quickly looked away. Why do I care so much? Let Josh have his fun. There's other girls. I felt my heart rate pick up as I realized that I didn't like the idea of Alana being with any other guys. Especially Josh.

I watched Josh heading towards Matthew. Maybe I should stake a claim on Alana before he does. I have a feeling she wouldn't like that though..

I looked around for the girl that has caught most of the male attention. When I spotted her beside the door staring at me I felt something. I smirked in satisfaction that I  was the one she was looking at. I approached her in a few swift movements. "Staring at me for a reason?" I asked her curiously.

A look of determination and humor crossed her face for just a second and disappeared. What was that?   She then looked straight into my eyes while placing her hand on my left shoulder. She had a slightly seductive expression as she stood on her tip-toes. I shivered involuntarily as she lightly whispered in my ear. "Yes." I could smell her sweet perfume and her minty breath. I swallowed hard, trying to clear my head. She then pulled herself closer to me. My heart rate was soaring now and I felt myself tense up. I closed my eyes as she spoke some more.

"Which key opens the door?" My eyes snapped open as she pulled away from me slowly. I felt a rush of cold air hit me and my thoughts became less cloudy. She handed the keys to me and smirked as she walked off towards her bags. Damn it. One point for Alana ladies and gentlemen. She's good, but I'm better.

I watched her hips sway slightly as she happily walked off like that didn't just happen. As she bent down to grab her bags I heard a low whistle come from Chris as he, Jarred ,and Derrick nodded in agreement. My thoughts exactly.

I noticed Alana looked uncomfortable with the attention on her. I also didn't care for the way Chris was looking at her longingly. She sent him a disapproving look. I smiled a little at that as I began trying to figure out which key unlocked the door. I decided the best way would be to jam random ones in until one works.

As I was working, I heard Matthew clear his throat. I listened as he began to speak. "Guys, this is my cousin, Alana. She's gonna hang out with us. This Friday is her birthday, so I figured it would give us a reason to throw a huge ass party. Well, besides the fact that it's spring break."

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