Cuddle buddy

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Alana POV


"Honeys! I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the door of the cabin.

"Thank you! I'm hungry and tired of waiting!" Chris yelled. He ran towards me, sliding across the floor in his socks.

"Shut up Chris! You're already on your second serving." Jarred shouted from where he was standing in the kitchen.

"Tsk tsk children. Is that anyway to greet me? After all that I've done for you?" I asked, my voice full of disappointment.

"Remind us of what you've done exactly." Derrick said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was the one who brought Jackass, I went out with Lucas to get your precious ketchup, and I even got us a ton of icecream!" I replied cheerfully.

At this point Derrick screamed, "Welcome home dear! How was your day?" while throwing his arms apart and giving me a bear hug.

I chuckled while pushing him off of me. "It was successful. I met some locals at the store. They said they could get us booze for the parties if we invite them and give them the money for whatever drinks we want."

"Yeah? Sounds like a plan." Matthew replied. 

"Where any of them hot?" Chris asked Lucas, who was standing in the door way with the bags of icecream.

"Totally!" I replied before Lucas. "Definately your type Chris." I said with a suggestive wink.

Lucas raised his eyebrow at me and started laughing under his breath.

"Really? What did they look like?" Chris asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Tall, tan, fit, shiny hair, and really fun." I said. 

"More details." replied Chris.

"Um, one had light brown hair, green eyes, perfect smile, and super white teeth. Also, um, implied that they were single." I said, trying to avoid letting it slip that I was in fact describing Cameron. I know for a fact that Chris is a ladies man, but I'm just messing with him.

"Oh really? Sounds like my type" Chris said.

"Yeah? I got their number." I replied a little too eager.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Cameron. Called Cam for short." I said grabbing his phone.

Lucas was trying hard not to laugh and give my plan away. I put Cameron's number in Chris's phone and shot a secretive smile to Lucas.

"Cam told me that they prefer to text over calls. So... yeah!" I finished quickly. Brilliant, you better hope he doesn't figure it out too soon.

"Cool, I'll text her later tonight." Chris said casually.

I walked into the kitchen and reheated my food. Then I put a fair amount of ketchup on my plate and walked to the table everyone else was sitting at. Finally!

I had been so hungry and the food tasted so good. As I was eating I received a few weird looks from the other guys at the table. I rolled my eyes after shoving a handfull of fries in my mouth. "Never seen a girl eat before?" I asked sarcastically around my food.

Josh started giggling. "Not like that. You're almost as bad as Chris or Lucas." he said.

Both Chris and Lucas's heads snapped up to glare at Josh. Then we all three looked at each other. Our cheeks were puffed out from all the food in our mouths. Ketchup and mustard coated Chris's chin. Lucas's hands were covered in grease from his burger and he was trying not to laugh at me. 

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