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This Chapter is dedicated to my big sister, Ashley. Love you! Thanks for reading.

Alana POV


I stood up and walked over to the porch railing. I felt the butterflies in my stomach swarming like a tornado. Let's just say that I was almost as nervous as I was on the first day in my junior year. After I got inside the school I realised that I just needed to be myself. Not to say that I couldn't have a little fun with my friends help.

*Flash back*

Over the summer I had finally figured out a workout routine that really worked for me. The weight came off slowly at first, but as I came more dedicated it melted away. I started to eat way healthier and started taking care of myself more. I even hired a professional makeup artist to give me a makeover. My only rule was she couldn't cut or dye my hair. I actually felt pretty by the end of the summer. I even let my friends convince me to sign up for a modeling contest for Victoria's Secret's "Fresh Face".

Somehow, I managed to win 1st place and 50,000 dollars. I am now able to become one of their part time models if I get permission from my parents. They were thrilled! I already signed a contract that says I start this summer. If I do a good job until I turn 18 then we will renegotiate my contract so that I can become full time.

I knew I wasn't ever really ugly, but I was overweight with no self esteem. I liked putting on makeup, but I never wore any to school. I also usually just threw on simple shirts and jeans. My hair was my best feature. I think it seemed like I didn't even try. That's totally not what guys want in a girl. Therefore, I never really got much experience in the whole dating world.

Not that I complained about that part. I liked the idea of not getting serious with anyone for a while. I guess you could say I am a flirt. I liked hanging out with guys, but it was never anything past friendship. Today, I had a feeling the guys at my school were going to see me in a new light. Oh yes, the invisible girl was now a freakin' Victoria's Secret model. I bet you wish you were nicer to her now.

I smiled confidently as I pulled into the parking lot in my new car. That was one of the best perks of becoming a model. The company found out I didn't own a car and actually bought me a 2013 Porsche Boxster S ! They even got it put in a nice sparkly soft green (not neon). I couldn't believe how lucky I became over this summer.

I pulled into an empty parking spot near the band room. I was so nervous about seeing everyone at school. I knew my friends would act the same. They loved me for who I was and I loved them for the same reason. They are my friends for life. It was everyone else that had me worried. Not wanting to give them the satisfaction of seeing me worried, I put my game face on.

I was suprised when I stepped into the band room to see everyone gawking at me. I smiled lightly and waved. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach. I quickly went to my usual seat beside Brianna.

"Hey, look it's the two Breezes!", shouted Eric. He was one of my close friends. He was actually the first one to call Brianna and I "the two Breezes". Her nickname being Bree and my last name being Breeze.

"Looking good ladies," smirked Cameron. This guy was so full of himself. I'm suprised he even aknowledged me as he walked past us. I knew Bree was popular with the boys, but I wasn't. As if Brianna could sense my confusion she leaned over to me whispering, "He must have heard about you becoming a model over the summer. I hear he is a bit of a player, but atleast he's cute."

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