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(A/N I rewrote some parts of the last chapter, so you may need to re-read it.  Also, I'm picking it up from the moment Lucas told Alana that she could have the purple bed. Sorry if it's confusing.)

Lucas POV


"Oh and the purple bed is yours. After all, ladies should get first pick," I said with a smile. I turned around to walk towards the navy bed. On the way there I added, "Even though purple is my favorite color.."

Out of nowhere I felt something soft hit me in the back of the head. I quickly turned my attention to Alana. She took off full speed towards her bag. IT. IS. ON! I ran after her as she started heading towards the bathroom, her bag in her hands. Right when I was about to grab her arm she slammed the door in my face. I heard the lock 'click' before I could even react. 

"I'll get you for that, Alana!" I warned loudly. 

"I'm sure you will!" she replied sarcastically. I grumbled under my breath as I walked towards the navy bed. I heard the shower start up and sighed. I guess payback will have to wait.

I decided to unpack my clothes and put them neatly in the dresser that's supposed to be mine. I then unpacked the rest of my stuff. I made sure I would be able to remember where I put everything. Once I finished the task, I heard my phone's ringtone. I pulled it out of my back pocket and took a seat on my bed. It was a text from my mom. 

'Hey, just wondering if you made it safe to the cabin. I love you. Tell the boys I said hello. '

I replied instantly. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry. Love you too.'

Atleast we seem to be on better terms now.

I noticed that the shower had cut off at some point. I stood up and stretched. That car ride was starting to take it's toll on me. My eyes felt heavy and overall I was exhausted. Since it was only five thirty, I decided to see what everyone else was doing. I heard Alana blow drying her hair and decided I would talk to her later. 

I walked out of the room and went downstairs. Everyone was discussing what we should cook. 

"Burgers man! I'm telling you we should have burgers!" Matthew said.

"Sounds good to me," Chris said with wide eyes.

"What about tacos?" Jarred smirked. 

"Sounds good to me," Chris said smiling.

"We could order pizza," Johnathon suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Chris said, drool practically coming out of his mouth.

"Chris, man, you act like your starving! Maybe we should vote or something," I said smirking. Everyone nodded in agreement.                    "Hey, where is Alana?" Matt asked, looking slightly concerned. 

"Oh, she just got out of the shower," I replied casually. Immediately I had several pairs of eyes on me. Matt nodded his head and went to the fridge.

"Oooooooh!" Chris said with a wide grin. I know that look. I better stop him before he does something stupid, like try hit on Alana while she's naked.

I followed him into the living room and up the stairs before I finally spoke. "Chris, man, what are you doing?"  He quickly froze in his tracks and slowly turned around. He looked like a child who had been caught stealing cookies when it was way past bedtime.

"Um, I was just going to see what upstairs looks like..." he shrugged.

"Right," I said, "Are you sure you weren't trying to see what a certain blonde looks like naked?"

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