5. The Portal

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Naomi was being woken up by something tapping her ankle. She shook it off in annoyance as she continued sleeping.

"Wake up woman" the morning voice of a man gruffed out.

She jerked awake everything coming into focus as she saw the naked man who had called himself Jarvis standing in front of her unashamed, not that he had anything to be ashamed of but at least, who the hell walked around naked in the forest. She couldn't blame him though, they didn't have any other clothes and she had definitely been through hell.

She touched her hair, it was matted and had earthly things in it. There was no use bothering to get it all out. She resigned herself to stare back up at the man standing in front of her.

Dammit, he looked even better in daylight, he had a slight mist all over his brown body.

She suddenly remembered what she had done the night before a look of pure horror crossing her features, she was sure she'd be bright red all over if only she were capable.

The naked man right in front of her was totally ignoring all that was going on with her as he cleared his throat before stating,

"We need to go love."

"Don't call me love...and where are we going this time?"

"To see my uncle, and before you ask, we're going through that he pointed.

She followed the direction of his finger...proportionate finger thick and long just the right size to __

"We go?'" Her thoughts Interrupted by his voice finally seeing for the first time what he was pointing at.

"We do not go! What is that? There is nowhere in hell, on earth or even in this universe this will happen." the man was insane.

There was a black circular thing floating in front of them, it was alive in the way it moved. Walking around it showed the same features as the front.

It was just there staring at her doing its thing.

"Enough of that princess, we have to leave'" She heard the kidnapper named Jarvis tell her.

She was getting annoyed again, she was tired, her feet hurt, she smelled like shit and she was in the middle of the forest with a naked man who wanted her to go into a black hole. It all seemed surreal at this point.

She scrunched up her nose, in disapproval, her eyes catching his.

"Can you just stop with the nicknames? I don't know you, you kidnapped me. I want to go home and just walk around my room forget you and forget that any of this happened. Do you get that Also I'm not going into that thing c'est fini?"

The man in front of her did not seem swayed by her short speech as he responded to her in a dull tone, dick-swinging like a pendulum

"That thing...is a portal to the world we are going to and we're going." He stated totally ignoring the part of her speech which involved her going home.

Naomi's eyes darted around like a trapped rabbit, she was sure she was with an insane person, the first attempt at escape had proven to be an epic failure, she could still remember being in the arms of that man..she shuddered in disgust. She stood there slowly weighing if she should make another escape before reaching a decision.

"So I'm going to back away slowly now and no do not follow me even if you feel like okay sweetheart?" she added condescendenly.

He smirked at her as if daring her before his relaxed stance suddenly became defensive, he put his finger on his lips indicating she stay quiet, and she for the third time since they met nodded back her understanding at him.

She looked around scared, as crazy as the guy in front of her was, she had no intention of being alone around the guy she'd met earlier.

Whilst still looking around she felt herself being lifted without her permission onto his shoulder and toward the direction of the portal.  When had he gotten to her? She wanted to struggle but she remembered he'd told her to stay quiet. She was a perfect victim, this was where she was at now. She assumed they had gotten to as she felt needle-like prickings on her skin, it grew painful as time went on, "I'm definitely going to die." she thought, hadn't even kissed the hot guy with her yet...nope she had gone farther. basics did not exist in her dictionary. Everything then became warm as she became aware and found herself staring at Jarvis's nice butt. This was definitely her preferred mode of him transporting her from point A to B.

She shook her head to clear it as she imagined her thoughts crumbling like dominoes and catching on fire before hollering.

"Let me down!"

He let her down as she'd commanded and dumped her on the damp lush grass before turning around looking in the direction they just came from. 

She paid no heed as she looked around the area they were in, it was warm, this was the warmth she had felt upon entrance.  its environments did not seem that much different but this was nowhere familiar. 

The greyish buildings were almost set in historical times, with towers pointing towards the sky, vines grew along its walls with flowers popping up here and there beautifying the dull walls.

Was that a dragon? Was someone riding on it? She was seeing things, the thing they came through must have had hallucinogenic properties in it because her eyes had been deceiving her lately, with all the things she'd seen in the past two days. Her brain had been having trouble keeping up with her eyes.

 She directed her attention to movement coming towards them, she quickly snuck a peek at the firm ass standing next to her. She was sure he was not flexing it, but it remained firm. She turned back towards the movement approaching them, it was a girl with golden bouncy curls basically sprinting in their direction, she had her magnificent blur dress which swallowed her up from the waist down up bundled up in her arms, and the shoes on her feet glistened with each step she took. She was beautiful.

The girl sprinted past her and she watched as the kidnapper named Jarvis turned around still naked by the way to catch the girl. 

Where were the police? This was not normal.

The girl did not seem to mind, as she hugged him as though her life depended on it. 

"I've  missed you Jarvy." She exclaimed in his face.

His face matched hers glowing with utter glee, as he responded. "I've missed you more!"

Naomi drifted off as her common sense kept wondering what was going on and how she had gotten to this situation. She thought about Esther for the first time, she could not imagine what she was possibly going through right now. Was she now reported as a missing person, would her story end up on the TV, how horrible. She melted onto the floor, her body giving way to the stress she'd endured, the darkness slowly crept in through the corners of her eyes overwhelming her, she was out before her head touched the ground.

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