2. Help?

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Jarvis strolled into the giant, dull living room that evening. Not a single ornament adorned the space, just a fireplace and a hefty sofa with his father, Jonah, lounging on it solo. Following the family tradition, he gave a respectful bow. But the flickering light cast a mischievous glint on his father's face, making him seem even more sinister than usual. His father's stern demeanour, coupled with his unyielding gaze, momentarily threw Jarvis off balance as he mustered the courage to speak.

"Father, I've found her. My mate," he announced, unsure of what reaction to anticipate. Joy was a foreign concept to his father; everything, in his eyes, was a skill to be honed.

The room fell into silence as his father, barely moving, maintained his expression in the dim light, unchanged.

"Father, did you hear me?" Jarvis pressed, hoping for a response.

The reply he received was so incredulous that he had to question if he had heard correctly.

"When do you plan to eliminate her?" His father's inquiry, delivered with casual indifference, filled the room, the resonance lingering before silence reclaimed its dominion.

"Father, I have no such intentions. Why would I harm my mate? Why would you even suggest such a thing?"

In the blink of an eye, Jarvis found himself nose to nose-with his father. Yet, it wasn't surprising; his father was capable of much more.

His father, mere inches from his face, exhaled sharply. "Judas is the eldest; he's destined to lead. If you refuse to dispose of your mate, he will claim her since fate has denied him his own. I'll await your decision until it's no longer yours. You may leave."

Jarvis walked to his car, the weight of his immediate decision heavy upon him, a decision he hadn't shared with his father but knew was right for him. This was finally something solely his.

He had never defied his father, but this was the one thing that had kept him going throughout the years, and now that it was within reach, there was little chance he would relinquish it.

With no need for GPS, he remembered exactly where he had left her, the trail he had left behind still fresh as he followed it back.

Arriving just as dusk descended, he observed the lights flickering on in the house where she resided. Only one figure moved inside—the object of his search.

Her roommate was yet to return, likely due to her late shifts. It wasn't time yet; he had to wait, biding his time until she drifted into slumber.

As the minutes ticked by, he remained vigilant, biding his time until the opportune moment presented itself. He knew her roommate would return late due to her shifts, leaving them alone in the house.

When the time felt right, Jarvis stepped out of his car, his normally muted footsteps making no sound. With deliberate care, he approached the front door, each step a calculated move.

The doorknob turned under his steady hand, granting him entry into the quiet abode. He would have to discuss safety with her later on, she was too used to leaving the main door open. He slipped inside his presence a silent intrusion in the darkness.

Navigating through the familiar layout, he made his way to her room, his movements swift yet purposeful. With a steady hand, he turned the knob, easing the door open with barely a whisper of sound.

Inside, the room lay bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, casting shadows that danced across the walls. Jarvis's gaze fell upon her sleeping form, her features softened in the gentle embrace of slumber.

With a determined resolve, he approached her bedside, his heart steady heart suddenly thrumming he placed a hand over her mouth, silencing any potential outcry for help, she was not in danger, and would never be in danger with him by her side but she didn't know that at the moment. In the dim light, he could feel her resistance, her eyes desperately trying to pierce through the darkness and comprehend her surroundings.

After a moment's pause, Jarvis replaced his hand with a cloth saturated with a sweet aroma. As the scent enveloped her senses, he could sense her defences weakening, her struggles gradually subsiding.

He observed as she succumbed to the sedative effect of the cloth, her consciousness slipping away like a wisp of smoke. And in that fleeting moment, before she slipped into unconsciousness, he whispered a plea for forgiveness.

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