Amortentia and Aftershave.

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Finally, the ink on her brow was gone.

But unfortunately not the stares that were still directed at her. She gave a small smile and immersed herself into the potions book for this year - even though she had read it thoroughly during the summer.

She could feel him, starting at her again, although this time she could sense a feeling of slight pity - 'Don't worry Granger, you still look alright even with a red mark on your left brow'. Although intrusive, he helped to calm her emotions a little bit and she began to refocus on the lesson.

"Amortentia" Slughorn announced excitedly and ushered the students over to observe. He began to talk about it's past and how to possibly brew a batch.

Hermione however was too focused on him, and their memories during the summer the picnics they had and while she was thinking of a rather - comfortable moment between the two, she was picked on and asked to explain.

He could sense it, the way her cheeks were red and her hair had become slightly more curly due to her warming skin, and continued to stare, making her slightly uncomfortable.

It was working, she could feel his eyes scanning her - taking her in and out again, all while she struggled to explain the most powerful love potion in the world.

"It smells differently according to what attracts them sir" she managed to get out finally, and then gave an example.

"I smell, freshly cut grass, coffee and aftershave" before she could process what she had said, the realisation had hit her, she had just perfectly described him.

He realised this and his smirk grew wider, he leaned against his desk more and focused solely on her small breaths and stutters while she explained to a class of witches and wizards what muggle contraption she was explaining.

"Boys and men use it after they shave, to make sure they smell nice sir", she knew while she was speaking her cheeks were almost on fire.

Her embarrassment increased further when after Slughorn called her attractions 'fascinating' both Harry and Ron asked which boy they knew that wore aftershave.

"A muggle boy I met over the summer" she slowly explained to the pair. and although not half wrong. She still felt a sense of regret for her answer and just hoped that she wouldn't be asked further questions about her summer activities.

"Draco!" she giggled, as he splashed her back with water from the stream they were residing in. It was slightly past midday. They had travelled to Yorkshire and were currently taking in the picturesque scenery while splashing each other with the cooled water surrounding them.

He waited to see her reaction before being pulled by his right leg into the water without warning.

A triumphant Hermione towered over him as he wiped his hair from his eyes with a smile plastered on his face. "Who knew, the golden girl knows how to have fun!" he stated as he slowly stood back up, and began to close the space between them. He just absorbed her.

This little thing that had made him feel so complete for last six years. Her hair was unbelievably wet and moulding against her shoulders, he smoothed her hair over and over, till he was satisfied she was calm and relaxed, he wanted her to feel exactly how he did whenever he was with her, or even thought of her.

"Hermione." He said her name with purpose, a loving purpose, he lifted her chin and drank in the coffee that was her. Her pupils slightly dilated at his close proximity and he lifted his hands to rest them on top of her freckled shoulders.

But nothing happened, he just studied her. They studied each other, he etched into his memory how beautiful she looked.

How when the sun lit up her tanned skin it brought out the infinite black freckles that littered her body to the surface. How she blushed the more he looked at her, and she then did the same.

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