Coffee and Transfigaration.

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Hermione walked into her lesson, in a much happier mood, Draco was playing his view of her last summer in her head.

She was honoured to know he thought of her so beautifully. While thinking over last summer, she had now sat with Ron for her transfiguration class, after being told to get into pairs. She had convinced Harry to pair with Ginny knowing about the crush he had developed on her over the summer.

Ron was currently trying to get her attention by talking to her about quidditch - again, and his sudden interest in muggle rock music. This caught her attention.

"Ron, how do you know about Nirvana?" She sounded shocked and proud at the same time, and began to question him about his favourite song, her Granger smile was back for more than one reason. He began to explain that his dad had played a few songs for him and then he decided to do some research of his own.

She was finding it hard to believe that Ronald Weasley sat in his room over summer and was possibly listening to "Heart shapped box". This thought made her laugh to herself a bit, she then began to focus on the lesson.

"By the end of this lesson you should be able to turn simple objects into a protective item, in case of emergency - such as the spoons in front of you into daggers" . Everyone gave each other worried looks, except Hermione who knew exactly what spell to use - Malfoy had taught her in the serious moments they had shared together.

Ron on the other had was shocked but even more shocked by Hermione's sudden complete understanding of the task at hand. "Hermione, are you sure you know what your doing?" He made sure to highlight the worry in his voice.

"Follow my lead Ron." She focused on exactly what she wanted the spoon to morph into and sure enough it changed into a small dagger, she was pleased with herself and helped guide Ron, who was still not holding his wand properly.

"Ron focus!" Hermione was getting slightly annoyed by his lack of focus and was hoping he would get the spell soon to avoid their close contact.

She couldn't believe that in her first years she used to have a crush on Ron, all he ever talked about was quidditch and food, she wanted someone that she could have academic talks with while also having fun. Although she had now gotten over him, she could sense was trying to get to know her in a more romantic sense since the summer ended. She brushed him off most of the time using the excuse of how she is not looking to date anyone at the moment.

She could feel him looking at her again, and unlike Draco it was not in a pleasant or inviting way, "Mione would you like to come to Hogsmead with me at one point." He was waiting for the obvious yes, the muggle boy she was linked to in the summer would obviously not have chased her till now so he knew he had her to himself.

"No Ron, I would prefer to read thank you." She said her statement with no room for adjustments and focused back on the task at hand.

While the pair focused the clattering of knives hitting tables echoed around the room, and Hermione took Ron's wand practicing as a chance for her to watch Harry and Ginny, their awkward start had now lead for them to becoming comfortable with each other. Harry was also taking any chance he could to find a way to be near her.

Hermione smiled and her friend trying to make obvious hints towards Ginny. For someone so witty Ginny was clearly missing all of Harry's hints. The lesson had began to bore her, Ron was currently still staring at her, and she began to feel uncomfortable.

"Ronald, is there something on my face?" she asked, with clear intentions that his staring was irritating her.

"Erm no, it's just what did happen to you over the summer, you seem more relaxed than usual." He also wanted to know more about this mystery boy she was linked to over the summer. Merely to see who he was competing with.

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