Muggle History Books.

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Hermione was laughing at the shock Draco had on his face, he was currently taking in the size of the library they had just entered.

The couple we're wearing summery muggle clothing, Draco was drawing female attention as he was dressed casually but well. His fitted trousers and simple shirt helped highlight just how good looking he was. She was comfortably walking into the library with him trying to avoid the whispers about Malfoy ad she passed. Even in the summer she opted for her hair down in ringlets not restricted by any hairband.

He slowly took his tike admitting each books he saw and memorising it's placement. His long fingers pulled back the worn spines and he brung them to his face to analyse. She had never seen Malfoy so fixated on a place in all her years of knowing him.

She then quietly walked up to him and coughed getting his attention; "Draco, we need to sit down. People are staring." The small blush on her cheeks was beginning to grow, he noticed this and smirked holding her hand softly as they walked to a nearby table. He pulled out her seat before sitting down and reabsorbing himself into the story he was reading.

"Since when did you have interest in muggle history Malfoy, I didn't think the Russian Revolution was your thing." She was proud of his choice to learn more about the muggle world, so insisted he researched about the backstory of Nicholas and his wife and try, and come up with his own theory for the fall of the empire.

He nodded his head in agreement and began to continue reading - he was now reading about the death of Rasputin. She also re-immersed herself into the book she was reading, it was loosely describing the fall of the Roman Empire and she was thoroughly enjoying it.

The sound of a small make chuckle was heard in her ears but she ignored it, refocusing on the chapter shout Caesars' death. After some time she realised it was Malfoy, she sharply turned her head to look up and saw his face was red with tears.

"Stop laughing Malfoy! People.Are.Staring!" She let a little bit of anger into her voice and scammed the room in order to count the number of muggles that were confused as to the sudden disturbance of the calm silent atmosphere.

"Im so sorry Granger, but your muggle 'history books' make me laugh. Rasputin's death is highly inaccurate. In fact most of the "miracles" he performed were just simple wizard spells." He was grinning and wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes from laughter.

She continued to listen to his explanation with shock in her eyes; "He is a direct descendent of Salazar so naturally he used to wind people up, and loved his women. So yes your muggle theory of him shagging Alexandra was in fact true." He was serious as he explained the history, and highlighted how muggles could not understand his action so called him crazy.

"Now my favourite part, he didn't actually die in 1916, he died in 1960 he was living in Russia in secret the whole time. At the time of his 'death' he had already relocated his son to England who was 11 at the time - to avoid him being murdered. He also resorted to raising him as a muggle and changing the family to. Riddle. Yes Rasputin is the biological of you-know-who.

Hermione had her mouth opened in utter shock, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, the Dark Lord was related to one of the most scandalous figures of the 20th century.

Draco was pleased with himself, his knowledge had utterly shocked her and made her brain cigs churn. She slammed her book down and the avoided looks she was getting. "Malfoy, how do you know this." She was sternly waiting for an answer.

"Well love, being a death eater has it's historical perks." He gave a small smile in order to hid his discomfort at the topic, and instead began to ask her about more muggle history books she could recommend to him to read to broaden his knowledge before their sixth year began.

She watched him pick up another history book and gave him a perked eyebrow over the top of her own; "Are you sure you can read this much history in a day - Charles 1's fall is a complex subject to tackle in a day." She was saying this out of concern as she knew the headaches he would get wouldn't be pleasant.

He gently placed the book down, and took a hold of her hands, he slowly brought them to his mouth and kissed them, with a feathery touch that made her blush. "Love, stop worrying. I'll be fine." Draco slowly brushed his long finger over her cheek, while he said this. Feeling the warmth of her face and traced her jaw and chin.

She was so content in this moment and wanted to stay like this with him. Amongst the books talking and theorising. She began to to realise as he smiled at her that this is what she had wanted, needed. Someone who could make her feel so loved and also challenge her opinion.

Malfoy slowly pulled a curl behind her ear and moved backwards towards his book, and slowly drawled out as he was immersed deeply into his book; "Hermione, I must say I am beginning to like muggle history books." He waited for her reaction which was a shake of the head and a smile.

She thought about their time in the library and wondered when he would at that state of calm again. He wanted to savour these moments before he became a full servant for him, and so did she.

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