Scarfs and Cinnamon rolls.

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Hermione was sat with Ginny and opposite Ron. She was lost in her anger, and with her right hand was, continually stirring her now cold tea. Her left hand holding her cheek so she didn't possibly slam her head against the table.

No one spoke, only Ron coughed after a while, signalling he wanted to say something but stopped when his sister gave him a glare. The silence was extremely awkward, it became one of the few times she missed Harry's filler rambling that sometimes lightened up the mood.

Ron was still red, but was thinking hard. There was no way he had upset her that badly, in his eyes it was the truth. No guy's wanted her, and he could see why. She was completely absorbed in her schooling and didn't have many interests outside of her education; except listening to muggle music, which in her defence was actually quite good. She barley put any effort into how she looked, and he knew she hadn't had her first kiss. So didn't understand why she wouldn't just date him.

He knew his way round a witch - which he took much pride in. So knew he could satisfy her in that aspect, and he was also a dear friend so surely the pairing would make sense. He pondered over these thoughts while glancing at Hermione's direction once in a while. She was clearly livid, and her stirring was getting slightly more aggressive as time went on. He knew that making any eye contact with her would make her lose it on the spot, so he stopped looking at her and began to eat his dinner with slow gulps with each swallow.

Ginny was furious at her brother, he didn't have the right to go poking about people's love lives especially Hermione's. The moment she found out what happened she paced around Hogwarts to find him, and gave him a hex and a hard slap round the head. And scolded him - making sure he knew she was telling their mother as soon as the day was over. She also like her friend had little appetite but unfortunately took on the family genes and ate - a lot, to keep her mind off her brothers idiocy. She gave him a small kick under the table as a reminder that their discussion wasn't over.

The air between the three was tense, even the students around them we're wary of them and all sat slightly away from them, some passing whispers of worry between them. Hermione ignored them, but understood their worry she had now stopped stirring and held a firm  grip on the spoon, although her hands were small they had power - Draco knew this personally from the punch he received to the nose in 3rd year.

Just as when the tension was bound to boil over Harry burst into the hall. Everyone turned to see what the interruption was for, but he just caught his breath and mouth 'sorry', and briskly walked to his table. The calm and cosy chatter was slowly returning as they saw there was no need for emergency.

Harry sat down next to Hermione and waited to catch his breath, he then pushed up his glasses and explained; "Sorry im late, Snape held me back about my potion's essay - apparently it didn't have enough "historical substance", whatever that means." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke and grabbed a slice of bread from Ron's side plate. The three of them looked at him with confusion, but we're grateful for the release of tension.

As he ate his bread he looked up and Ron with serious eyes - "So have you apologised yet?" Hermione turned to look at him with wide eyes, he smiled at her and continued to speak. "I mean, you didn't humiliate her in front of the house, so is there anything you would like to say?" he finished his slice, folded his arms and waited for a response.

The hall had gone quiet, the news of the argument had spread across the school and many wanted to see if the red head actually had the decency to admit his wrongs. His lack of decency for people's private lives shocked people the most.

Ron choked on his drink, and avoided her eyes as much as possible. "Erm, well I- I don't think I need to mate, it can't have hurt her that much. It was only a bloody statement of truth." This made everyone gasp and whisper. Even some of the Slytherin's looked at him with distaste, discussing a women's love life was seen as ungentlemanly by many pureblood's so Ron's lack of care was disappointing and shocking.

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