Chapter Two II

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So, these first few chapters are basically just setting up the plot...
Well, please do tell me if I make any grammatical mistakes! I'd love you if you do!
November 4, 2023

England sat in his car seat, agitated at the stupid driver in front of him. He had tried to turn around when it was obviously a one-way road, and now they were both stuck.

"Hey, Iggy!"

Arthur shrieked, jumping a mile in the air. He hastily looked around, searching for the source of the voice, but it was silent in the car. He slowly sat back down in his seat.

His heart pounded like rocks falling from a mountain, and his hands shook.
He told himself that it came from his imagination, that he was still grieving. He almost convinced himself of it.

There is nothing left of you
I can see it in your eyes!
Sing the Anthem of the Angels,
And say the last goodbye...

November 7th, 2023

Arthur cried for the first time when he found the note.

He was visiting Alfred's house, looking for any spare clothes he might of left somehow, and had wandered up to Alfred's bedroom.

The whole house had practically been covered with police tape when they found him. No one knew why he did it; all they knew was that Alfred had a gun in his hand, and a bullet in his head.

No one was allowed in, the police being the only ones inside for the last month.

Arthur held the crumpled piece of paper in his hands, eyes burning and vision blurry; he could barely even read the note.


I'm sorry, but I really have to do this.

Please forgive me. I never meant for this to happen, but ... I have to do it. For your safety. I can't let this go unchecked anymore.

I know no one will know what I'm talking about, but I'll come back eventually. I don't know how, but I'm planning on it.
And if I don't... I guess this is goodbye.

Canada, I'm sorry for not being a good brother like I was supposed to be. You can forget about me if you want this time.
France and Prussia, thanks for the help in getting independence.
Japan and Germany, I'm sorry for everything.
China, I'm sorry that I never gave all that money back.
Italy, Spain, and Romano, I wish I could've known you better.
Russia... in another situation, I think we would've been friends.

England... I apologize for everything I've done.
I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, but I wanted independence so I could be at your level, see the world like you did. I wanted to be a companion, not a little brother.
I never wanted to hurt you, and I still love you.

Alfred F. Jones


Arthur didn't even know he was crying until he saw wet spots appear on the paper.

November 7th, 2023

Arthur sighed, looking at the clock. It was nearing midnight.

Instead of taking a flight all the way back to England, Arthur had decided to stay in Alfred's house for the next few days. He had a business meeting with the President on the 10th, anyway.

He slipped on his pyjamas, crawling into the guest bed.
Turning out the light and rolling over, Arthur felt a shiver crawl over him. He pulled another blanket on top of himself, but no matter how many he piled onto himself, the chilled feeling raking across his skin wouldn't go away. Anywhere there was skin there were goosebumps. The hair on the back of his neck rose of its own accord, and Arthur kept his eyes firmly shut.

Until the End Do We Part BOOK ONEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant