Chapter Nine IX

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November 29th

Arthur stared up at the house, feeling like he should run. He had left the car (and Rosemary; the doll kept screeching like you wouldn't believe) back past the gate, which he had locked.

He knew that this may be his day of reckoning, and that he may not leave alive. Because of this, he had sent an email to himself explaining everything, hoping that if he disappeared then they would check his email account.

Arthur pulled one pistol from the holster at his hip, loading it with the silver-tipped iron bullets. (He had to specially order them from a supernatural defence shop in London.) taking a deep breath, he grabbed a handful of salt from his bag, and opened the door to the house.

As soon as he stepped past the threshold, the door swung shut with a bang and locked itself. Arthur spun around, yanking on the door handle, but it was shut tight. He glared at the lock, and the around the room.

He hastily cast a presence spell, and was surprised to see no traces of red except- there, on the staircase to the basement. Descending, he kept an ear - and eye - out for any creaks or moving shadows. He didn't see any more red except for when he reached the basement door.

He drew a ward on it and laid a chain down on the threshold, hoping nothing could get out. He opened the door, and time seemed to slow down.

At the other end of the room was a blue mist, congealing in the vague shape of a person's shadow. Arthur's heart must have stopped when he realised that it was chained to the wall with the red energy.

In the middle of the room stood a black, shadowy figure, which quickly turned to Arthur. Two red dots glowed for eyes, and a white Cheshire grin peeked out.

How nice to see you, Arthur, it said, the walls shivering.

Arthur felt all the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Flexing his fingers over the gun, he watched as the figure disappeared. His breath caught in his throat as he took a closer look at the blue figure at the other end of the room raising its head weakly.

A chill came from behind Arthur, and he heard the basement door slam.
I pity you.

Suddenly Arthur felt blinding pain, crashing into the wall.

And all you wanted was to save him... sorry, but I can't let that happen.

Arthur opened one eye painfully, the blurry shape of the demon looming above.

"I don't... I don't care!"
Arthur shot at the demon, but it disappeared again, reappearing beside him. It wrapped its long, skeletal fingers around the Brit's neck, its face inches away from the other's, And who are you to stop me? Another nation? Hmph. Your little American couldn't stop me, and neither can you.

Arthur kicked at the thing's stomach, but it just raised him higher. Black spots had flooded his vision, and now the only thing he could see was the demon's red eyes. His throat was burning, and his lungs felt like they would rupture.

All of a sudden the lights and oxygen came back with dizzying force, Arthur dropping to the ground. He was able to look up to see the two figures swirling around each other, tearing at each other.

Arthur got up, but was blasted back by a wave of pale blue smoke.


I won't let him die, I can't let him die, I CANT DIE-!

I slashed at the beast again, aiming for its eyes and that eerie, provocative Cheshire leer, but it zapped behind me and then pain all along my side-

I spun and a twisted snake of white energy whipped out of my hand, creating a red gash across its face, stretching from one eyebrow to the opposite side of its lipless grin.

The world turned black, and I couldn't see the rope-like shadows wrapping around my wrists, ankles and neck, yanking me to be splayed out on the wall. All I could see was the thing's red eyes moving closer.

Pain erupted in my abdomen, and before I dropped to the floor I heard a loud BANG.


Arthur's hand shook, the dark mass freezing after the bullet pierced its skull. It slowly turned to stone, eventually crumbling into dust.

Arthur stood, and started running to the flickering blue form on the floor, the red spear still lodged deeply in its stomach, red veins spreading out from the wound.

He fell to his knees beside it, praying to every higher power there was that his hunch wasn't right and this wasn't happening.

Arthur could hear muffled, labored breathing coming from it, and it seemed to solidify.

Alfred glanced up at him, smiling weakly up at him.

Heh heh... h-hurrah for the team e-effort, r-right?

The speech was still muffled, but Arthur understood anyway, staring in shock at the blonde's face.

He smiled some more, and Arthur suddenly unfroze, going into hyperdrive. He started sputtering out any healing spells he could remember, holding his hands over the growing red wound in Alfred's stomach.
"Don't you dare die, you hear me Jones?! If you die again I'll- I-I'll raise you back up and kill you again!"

His voice was starting to crack, and Alfred's eyes were starting to close.

I'm sorry Iggy... I'm sorry I didn't tell you...

"Alfred don't - just- stay! Stay, okay! Here, I'll make a deal-if you stop disappearing I'll make you some of that fish and chip stuff you like, okay?! I promise! And I won't burn the k-kitchen down a-a-again!"

Alfred's smile became lopsided, and Arthur had to lean closer to hear what he said, I thought that's what you liked...

Time seemed to slow down. Nothing Arthur would do would stop the red from growing, and Alfred was dying. Arthur wasn't even going to deny it any longer; Alfred was dying and he couldn't stop it.

"Alfred... please..." his voice broke then, "please... stay..."

Alfred's eyes closed.

Arthur grabbed onto the other's shirt, pulling out something he thought he would never need.

"A-Alfred... look at me..."

The American's eyes lifted up a millimetre, seemingly hung with weights.

"This'll hurt a little... but it'll save you..."

The red had almost spread to his heart, and Alfred was now translucent.

"It's called a Mortality Stone. It-it'll keep you safe until I can heal you," Arthur said, wetness leaking out of his eyes. He lifted up a pendant, the gem glass-like.

Alfred flickered again, the red engulfing his chest and moving up his neck.

I'll see you again then...

Arthur nodded, pressing the crystal to Alfred's chest, muttering the Latin spell. A blue light filled the room, then all whirling into the gem, now a deep blue colour. Arthur could've sworn he could've seen a few white stars blinking inside.

He was the only one in the room now, only the pulsing amulet and the broken remains of the demon to keep him company.

"Don't worry... I'll save you..."

"...even if it kills me in the process."

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