Chapter Eight VIII

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November 23rd, 2023

Arthur rolled to a stop on the side of the dusty road, staring out at the small gas station he had come to. He had gone to one of the many gun shops in America, and got a few pistols. Of course, he had to scrounge around for some silver, guaranteed-purified bullets, but that didn't matter. He also restocked on the salt, iron shavings, holy water, and his ash supply.

He knew he would have to be on his top guard to get rid of what Arthur assumed to be an incredibly powerful demon in the third house. He just hoped it was enough.

The Brit left all his gear in the car; this gas station was apparently so old that you had to pay for gas in person. There was also a small diner bar in the back.

A tinny bell chimed as he opened the door, letting it swing shut behind him. God, it felt good with air conditioning. His had broken, and let's just say that wearing all black near the Texas-Mexico border, even in November, was horrible.

"Well hello there," a young woman said in front of the counter. Apparently, he was also the only customer here.

"Er," Arthur started, his eyes trying not to fall down to the girl's - um, short- shorts.
"...Hello there."

Her eyes lit up, "Oooh, you're from Britain, aren't ya?"

"England, actually," he replied, and walked closer to the counter, "how much for a few gallons of gas, exactly? ...your sign outside seems to be ...broken." Indeed, the sign had been knocked over, letters and numbers scattered.

"Ah, don't mind that. It's $2.87."

"Sweet girl," Arthur thought, "Oh, why thank you miss...?"

"Bonnie!" She replied cheerfully.

"Yes, miss Bonnie. Thank you again," he said, paying her for the gas.

"Oh it's no trouble honey. It's pretty cool to see a new face, and even better from such a far off place!" She replied, and Arthur had to remember that not everyone could get on a jet and fly to a different country whenever they wanted to.

"Have fun on your trip!" She called while Arthur was walking to the door, and Arthur gave her a smile.

The thing was, she had blue eyes, and every time he saw blue eyes, he felt a deep pang in his chest.
"Get over it; y-you'll see him again soon," he told himself, lips forming a tight line as he filled up his car with petroleum.

"And what guarantees that?" A dark version of his voice said. "How do you know you'll see him? He's dead, and his soul could've already been obliterated. Admit it, you're doubting everything you've done," it continued.

"But why?! Why did it have to happen to him of all people?!" Arthur internally screamed back, dropping the gas pump as he felt a pricking sensation in the corners of his eyes. He picked it up, shoving it into the holster, and got into his car.

"...w-why...? Why him?! It could've been me! It could've been anybody but him!"
He felt wet droplets roll down his face into his open palms, and suddenly he had never felt any more alone.

Even after the Revolution, he was still there, alive! Now he was nothing! Arthur didn't even know if what he was doing was worth it! He put his forehead on the steering wheel, letting the hot tears simply slide down his face and onto his hands, his breath hitching.


New Year's Eve, 2010

Arthur sat in his chair, reading a book. The party was going on without him, and he liked it like that. He just wasn't a party person.

Suddenly Alfred popped around the corner, plopping down beside him.
"Hey Artie, why are ya just sitting here doing nothing?"

Arthur rolled his eyes, "I'm not doing "nothing"; I'm reading."

"Well what're ya reading?" Alfred asked, leaning over and putting his chin on the Brit's shoulder.

Arthur sighed, glancing at the American's face, and the other looked up and grinned.
"One of my old classics," Arthur replied indifferently.

"Mm... that's kinda boring," Alfred complained, sitting back up.

"It's not boring!" Arthur protested, frowning.

"Yes it is," Alfred yawned, "see? I'm goin' to sleep here," he got up, "I'll see ya later, kay Artie? Make sure to come out before midnight! I want you to see the crystal ball drop in New York." With that, he ran back into the party.

Arthur stared at the words on the pages, not really reading at all anymore. Worrying his lip, he instead considered taking up the American's offer.


"Hey dude! Wanna come over and play some video games with me?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"I have Skyyyyyriiim*~"


"Artie? You there?"

"...I'll pack for an overnight trip."

"Whoohoo! We'll have so much fun! I also have a game that Japan sent me; it's so cute! I think you'll like it! And I can get some of that fish and French fries stuff you like, and-!"

"It's fish and chips, Alfred."

"Oh, whatever it is, we'll get some! You like that, right?"

Arthur sighed, smiling slightly.
"Yes, I would like that."

"Okei~ I'll see you tomorrow Iggy!"



Alfred ran towards his brother, immediately wrapping his skinny arms around the taller and burying his face in his chest.

Arthur jumped, glancing down at the mess of blonde beneath him.
"Oh, who could this be?" He teased.

Alfred looked up, "Arthur, you know it's me!"

"No, I don't think I do," Arthur continued, "What's your name, little boy?"

"Alfred, Artie! Remember?"

Arthur laughed, picking up the boy and putting him on his hip, "Yes, yes; I know lad. I was just teasing, now."

Alfred wrapped his arms around the Empire's shoulders, grinning, "I know."

"Hey Arthur?"

"Yes Alfred?"

"... when will you have to leave again?"

Arthur's face creased with guilt, looking at Alfred's eyes, already filled with sadness. He knew of the toll it took on the boy for him to leave for months, sometimes years at a time, and right now he felt the guilt pile upon his heart like a ton of stone. He didn't want his brother to be lonely, ever. But as much as he wanted to erase every day of sadness from the boy's eyes, he couldn't. He was needed in England too much.

"I can only stay for a month," Arthur said softly, hugging the boy to his chest.
"I'm sorry."

"...It's okay Artie. I'm fine here on my own."

Those words made his heart shatter.


Arthur stared out of the front windshield at the darkening sky, tears having long run out.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't do more..."

"...but I knew you were never fine on your own, Alfred."

*I don't own Skyrim, but my personal head canon is that Arthur loves that game, and played it with Alfred often.

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