Chapter 2: Star Sans

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Ink stared at the yellow skeleton in wonder. His blue and white shirt was slightly tattered.along with his dark blue leggings. A crown sat atop his head. It was shaped like two spirals meeting in the middle. Ink was also surprised to see how The other had survived so long in this empty void. "Who are you?" Ink asked calmly. He felt that his vials were running out of power. Soon enough he would go emotionless.

"Dream. My name is Dream. Please I need you to help me find my brother," Dream pleaded. Ink could see how bad the kid was affected by the loss of his world.

"Ok,kid. We'll find him. But first let's get you out of here. This place is dangerous. I'll take you back to my place. But I'm just gonna drop you off then I have to go to the doodle sphere. Got it?" Ink said and Dream nodded vigorously. Ink held out his hand for Dream to grab onto. Dream grabbed it and was pulled towards and through the portal. Once inside, Dream flipped over by accident and flipped his cape over his head.

"Whoa!" He went, trying to straighten himself out. "Never done this before!" Dream giggled as he kept flipping himself over. Ink watched the kid. No hint of a smile or anything. Dream finally stopped spinning (You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby- sorry had to) and he smiled at Ink. Ink smiled back. Not wanting to freak out the kid.

"We're here. Go through that wormhole. You'll meet a skeleton named Blueberry. He'll help you get settled for the time being." Ink said and Dream nodded and went through the hole. Once he landed he was attacked by a whirlwind of Blue. The Skeleton covered in blue clothing bombarded Dream with questions. Dream was so dizzy. He couldn't keep track of the skeleton with his eyes. He was too fast. Finally the skeleton stopped. He was out of breath from running around Dream.

"Anyways! Hi! I'm the magnificent sans! But you can call me Blueberry or Blue!" The skeleton said. Dream had to put a finger up for Blue to stop talking while he tried not to throw up from dizziness. "Are you alright, sir?"

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine. You're just a little too fast. I got dizzy for a second." Dream explained. "But I'm fine now."

"Oh ok! Sorry about that. I just love meeting new people. Sorry." Blue apologized.

"It's alright kiddo."

"Anyways! What's with that crown on your head? Cool cape! Are you a prince? Why do you look like a walking highlighter? Positivity flows from you by the way, did I mention my name's Blueberry?" Blue went back into his question whirlwind and Dream went back to being dizzy.

"Blueberry!" He shouted, he didn't like to shout but he had to stop Blue from Becoming a ball of energy. Blue stopped his questions and froze. "Blue. My name is Dream, The crown is yes because I am a prince. Thank you for complimenting my cape, no I'm not a walking highlighter, and yes you mentioned your name is Blueberry." Dream said in a rush so Blue wouldn't interrupt him. Blue just blinked at him. Did I break him or something- he isn't saying anything- Dream thought as he stared at blue wondering if the question hurricane would come back.

"Oh! Cool! I should make tacos! Yes yes Tacos for Dream and Ink and me! I'll be back!" Blue said and disappeared into what looked like a kitchen. Dream sighed and sat down on a big fluffy.... Jacket? Dream got up and looked at the Jacket on the couch. It was Orange with fluff on the hood and all over the inside. Next to it was a Blue scarf..... Dream was perplexed by the items. He had never seen them before. But.... Now that he thought of it he did see Blueberry have a scarf around his neck. This blue one must be an extra. The jacket..... Dream froze. On the jacket was a smear of monster dust and blood. Dream audibly gasped and stumbled back. He bumped into the wall and jumped.

"Ack!" He yelped out.

"Dream? Are you ok?" Blue asked, poking his head into the living room.

"T-That j-jacket! i-it has m-monster d-dust on i-it!" Dream stuttered out, His chest heaving as he started to hyperventilate. Blue's eyelights shifted over to the jacket.

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