Chapter 6: Where the Dark does not go

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Ace sighed, he sat down on the chair at the edge of his "designated" balcony. He shuddered as a cold breeze hit him. He brought his knees up to his chest to protect himself from the wind. Ace looked up at the starless night, smiling a bit as he remembered when he and his mother would go outside to watch the stars and the moon. He frowned and stood up, going back inside and shutting the balcony doors. He looked at his dark room and items. A deck of cards, a pair of magic boots, and multiple magic enchanted items. Ace picked up the deck of cards and shuffled them, placing them on his table, he spread them out and looked at them. Muttering numbers and their suits. "Three of hearts... Six of Spades... Eight of clubs... king of diamonds.." He muttered, placing the cards on the table. Ace stared at the cards for a while, silent. The cards on the table looked to be a normal deck of cards, but Ace had... special cards. The cards were one of a full deck, but with a dramatic twist. Dramatic, dramatic, dramatic... that was the one word that he always knew. Things had to be dramatic. Otherwise, they'd just be plain boring. Now you might be wondering, how could a plain old deck of cards be, in any way, dramatic? Well, these cards had sharp edges... knife edges to be specific. They could cut through the skin to make someone bleed, but they couldn't exactly kill. He had no desire to kill anyone... unless it was Joker. He wasn't a fan of Joker at all, as he was abusive, and awful to live with. The only nice people here were Killer and Cross. He could talk to them normally, and they'd talk back. While Cross would be sassy sometimes, other times he was kind and polite to him, since he understood how it felt to be controlled or ordered around by another voice, and Killer, he thought, was just a nice person to be around. Sure, he acted more like a child, but who could blame him? The guy used to and was still mentally insane. Sure, most people couldn't notice, nor see it, but Ace could, and he didn't mind or care. It wasn't his problem, so he shouldn't be concerned about it, right? But... At the same time, Killer and Cross were like their only friends. Didn't Killer want to talk to me about something...? Ace thought as he picked up his cell phone. It was slightly cracked from the last time he and Joker... "talked". Ace went to his messages from Killer, seeing that he, indeed, wanted to talk to him. "I'll be over in 10 minutes, is that okay?" He texted, receiving a thumbs up with a smiley face in return.

Ace pocketed his phone and put the cards back where they were, making sure they were PERFECTLY placed. He grabbed his jacket and left the room, sneaking down the hall past Horror's room. He peeked inside and saw the skeleton passed out holding an axe like a teddy bear. Ace shuddered and snuck past, Looking for Killer's room. "Why is this castle so big.." He muttered, still looking for the room. He finally found it and went inside.

"Ooh! Ace! You made it!" Killer said, smiling his creepy smile.

"Hey, Killer" Ace said, sitting down on the floor with Killer. "What's up?"

"Ehhh... Nothing much," Killer said, shrugging, "Did you hear boss last night? Damn he's creepy."

Ace raised a non-existent eye brow "You're one to talk." he said and Killer barked a laugh

"Touche, Chance." Killer replied, still all smiles. Ace gave him a small smile in return.

"Hey... Kills? Can I tell you something?"

"Yea, sure~!" Killer replies.

Ace swallowed, hard. "I-I wanna escape this place.." he whispered.

"Uh- did I just hear you right?? You want to escape?" Killer asked in true shock.

"Keep your voice down...!" Ace urged as he continued, "And yes, I do. I honestly hate it here... And I really need to get away from... the Boss." Ace hated the fact that he had to refer to Nightmare as the Boss... he'd much rather be a part of the Star Sanses, or at least be freed, "I know you probably feel the same way, since you had to leave Outer when you started... so come with me. We can start over!" Ace offered with a smile.

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