Chapter 7: A Deal With a Dreamon..?

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Bill Sans floated around Nightmare's castle, singing his signature song, "We'll Meet Again" as he looked down at the boys below, slightly drunk. Bill was only... ehhh, three thousand light years old. But he looked brand spanking new and young! No one would believe it! Bill hummed the song as he looked for a stupid sucker to make a deal with, spotting Killer. "Oh, he looks like a deal maker!" Bill said happily as he floated down. "Hey there, pal!" Bill greeted as Killer jumped back.

"Oh- hey Bill." Killer greeted.

"Say, why're ya lookin' so glum, chum?" He asked, "Something on your mind??"

"Nah, it's nothing... It's stupid."

"Aaw, c'mooon... I'm a Dream Demon, you know I can just take a look, myself. But I'd rather you tell me, buddy."

"Well... Nightmare got rid of Ace..."

"Oh no! You mean that kid who kept getting locked up?!" Bill asked, faking shock.

"That's him..."

"Meeh, this place could do without him anyway! And besides, I bet he's fine!"

"He was thrown off a balcony!" Killer exclaimed.

"So? There are vines all over this castle. It ain't exactly spotless, bud."

"He could've died!!"

"Could've is the kicker there, pal. Now, lemme tell ya something. I could tell ya where he is... but sadly that doesn't come cheap."

"What, you want me to make a deal? With you?" Killer asked with a laugh, "You're funny..."

"Alrighty then... I guess you'll just be stuck believing that your friend is really dead... what a shame, really, the one chance ya got not to let him be in that Joker guy's hands... Soo... chiao. Or whatever good-bye is in Italian." Bill said as he disappeared, leaving Killer thinking. He smiled as he floated around again, now in the deeper parts of the castle – the catacombs. He started singing his song again, when he suddenly heard something. Crying. He perked up, confused. I'm the only one who really comes in the catacombs, he thought, so who else is here?? He flew down to the noise and found a little girl! The girl cried as Bill approached her. "Uh... hey, there." He greeted, continuing when the girl didn't respond, "You know... you're not supposed to be down here. It's, uh... against the ru–" The girl started to suddenly switch from crying... to laughing, leaving Bill somewhat confused and alarmed. "I-I didn't say anything funny, kid." He stammered as the girl stood. Maaaybe I should go tell Nightmare... Bill thought, starting to float away as blue flames shot up, blocking the exits. Bill knew this flame all too well as he shot away from it. "Are you nuts?!" He shouted, knowing this was the girl's doing, "You coulda killed me!!" He added as the girl looked up at him. Bill suddenly felt... weak. Almost like every inch of his magic was leaving him. "W-what are you... doing...!?" He managed, as he floated weakly to the ground, laying there as the girl walked to him, smiling. Her eyes flashed red, and the Dreamon realized just who she was as he let out a gasp. "C-Chara...!" He said as the girl put a finger to her mouth, walked right over Bill, and left him as the blue flames subsided. He was alone, he was cold, and he was weak. Weaker than he'd ever been before... it almost felt like death. His magic was gone. ...Am I even a demon now? He thought, as his vision faded to black.


"What do you mean you 'can't find him'??" Nightmare demanded to Cross.

"I mean I can't find the demon, Boss. He's nowhere to be found!" Cross answered.

"Did you check the cellar?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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