Chapter 4: Nightmares

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 Dream tossed and turned in his new bed, The same nightmare from before coming to him. Nightmare eating the apple, His arrow lighting up the sky in a Sky blue glow as he tried to stop the townsfolk from hurting his brother. Nightmare's chilling laugh as he single handedly slaughtered everyone. Escaping without a trace. But now, Dream knew exactly where his brother was. And he had to find him before it was too late to save him.


Cross "stealthily" Moved through the underbrush. As stealthy as you can be when you step on every leaf and twig on the damn ground. Joker grumbled as he and Cross moved in on the AU. Cross continued to step on everything and got on Joker's nerves. "Will you stop with your stomping!?" Joker whisper shouted. Cross stopped dead in his tracks. "We are on a STEALTH mission!" Joker rolled his eyelights as he passed Cross. Much more silent then the Half human. Next to Cross, X-Chara shook its head.

"What a Stickler." It said and looked at Cross. Cross ignored it and Kept on walking. Being silent now. Joker signed for Cross to stop walking as they neared the AU. Cross did so and surveyed the place.

"No Monsters or Humans in sight. Not even this AU sans, Joker." Cross reported once he finished.

"Good. we can proceed." Joker replied, a wicked grin on his face. Cross smiled and brought out his knives. He started attacking the AU without mercy. Joker surveyed his companion. Cross may have been a loud idiot but he knew how to use those knives. And with the human, Chara, Guiding him he was even more merciless. As Joker watched, Cross set a building aflame, the Flames rose as Joker's grin grew wider, He laughed without malice and jumped out from the bushes. "Now it's time for the real fun~!" He cackled. A fleeing pedestrian bumped into him, Joker took the opportunity to hypnotize her. Her eyelights stared at him as they turned into the spade shape Joker was known for. "Wreak havoc" Joker ordered as the servant went to do his bidding.


Hours later, Nightmare awoke with a familiar headache. He grumbled and sat up, which was a mistake as a wave of vertigo hit him. He held his head with one hand as he groaned. His tentacles grabbing his jacket... but there were no tentacles. Nightmare stared perplexed at the empty space in front of him, Everything was tinted purple.. Nightmare's eye sockets widened as he dashed into the small bathroom attached to his bedroom. He took the covering off the mirror and stared in shock at himself. Atop his bone-white head sat his Moon Crown, The goop that had surrounded him seemingly disappeared. He smiled for the first time in years, But that smile didn't last. In the corner of the mirror, he watched in horror as the familiar inky black goop fell across it. He screamed and ran from the bathroom and out of the room, Bumping into Dust on the way. Dust yelped in surprise as he held Nightmare Steady "Whoa! Boss?" Dust asked, surprised at Nightmare's appearance. Nightmare pushed past him and continued to run, The inky darkness exploding from the walls, Nightmare sped up, but it wasn't enough, The tendrils caught him and stuck, no matter how hard Nightmare strained against them. He let out one final cry as the goop sucked him in. He was once again, Stuck in the endless void of Hatred and Nightmares.


Nightmare jolted awake, the bright moon shown through his open balcony door. He ran a hand over his head as he shivered slightly from the dream and the cold breeze that flowed into his room. He stood and went over to the balcony, Stepping outside into the near freezing, cold, night air. He wrapped his arms around himself as he sat on the railing, one goopy leg hanging over the open ledge. He stared at the moon with a hard set face. It was just a dream. Nightmare thought, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. Just a dream.. His eyes snapped open. If he was having dreams again... That meant Dream was alive. Nightmare's mouth widened into a manic smile. "Dream... You evaded me for so long.... BROTHER" Nightmare looked at the moon again and let out a blood curdling laugh. Inside of the castle, and across the multiverse, Sans' froze at the sound. All the way in the AU of the Star Sanses, Dream's eyes opened. 

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