8| douens

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Douens (Dwens) are the souls of children who have died before they were baptized. They are doomed to roam the earth forever. They are seen playing in forests and near rivers and the odd thing about them is that they have no faces and their feet are turned backwards. 

They may approach children and lead them astray in the forest until they are lost, or they may come near people's houses at night, crying and whimpering.

- Old people talk -

To prevent the Douens from calling your children into the forest at dusk, never shout their names in open places, as the Duennes will take their names, call them and lure them away.

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You wouldn't believe but this actually happened to me already. Believe or not, it is actually creepy and bone chilling.

So I was home on day with my Mother and sister. Our day moved like any other in a vacation. We live near a lot of bushes and tress, bamboo patches and that sort.

I was zoned out watching my favorite TV show and my sister was glued to the IPad. My Mother on the other hand was in her room, sleeping.

"Priya!" I heard my Mother call, and I, of course, replied back with a loud 'Coming'.

And I went to her room. . .only to find her in her bed, sleeping. Sound S L E E P I N G.

You wouldn't believe how creeped out I was to my core.

And it even happened more than once, many times but for now, it stopped. And I really hope it never starts back again.

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