02 - Dizzy Feeling

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Bold Italics - Herrscher of Illusion

Bold - Herrscher of Illusion & Yume

Italics - Thoughts

[3rd Person POV]

After Yume fell unconscious again, everyone in the room rushed over to her. Kiana and Mei helped carry Yume's body to the infirmary, where she was a few hours ago. The poor girl had been suffering from seeing illusions, which were caused by the Herrscher of Illusion, which Yume shares a body with.

[Murasaki Yume POV]

I woke up in the same room I was in a few hours ago. Did I fall unconscious again? That was the only question I wanted an answer to. I sat up, looking out of a nearby window. It was dark outside, meaning every St. Freya valkyrie should be asleep at this hour. I tossed the white blankets back before I scooted over to the edge of the bed. My feet were almost touching the floor. I hopped off the bed, almost losing my balance while doing so. I quietly walked back to the dorms, opening the door to my room as quickly and quietly as I could possibly be. I shut the door behind me, locking it. "I can't let her take over again. I don't want her taking over..." I muttered under my breath as I sat on my bed. The Herrscher core I had inside was begging me to use its power, but I didn't want to.

《About half an hour later...》


"Ow..." I had crashed into something. I heard a door open and the lights were turned on. I stood there, frozen in place. "Yume? What are you still doing up?" Mei asked me, but I just stayed silent. "Mei-" I paused, unable to think of something to say. "Yume, I thought you would've been asleep by now. Is everything okay?" I could tell that the valkyrie standing before me was worried about me. "Sorry- I was just going back to my room, but it was dark-" I began going off about how I was going back to my room, but then Mei brought a finger to my lips. "Shhhh. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine..." I nodded in silence, Mei moving her finger away from my lips, giving me a hug shortly thereafter. What if everyone else finds out about the Herrscher of Illusion? I'm stuck sharing a body with a Herrscher, but what if everyone finds out? I thought, not uttering a single word. "Not this again- There's not point in worrying about me! I'm fine!" I didn't understand what was going on inside my head for the past few days. I keep passing out randomly, yet everyone still worries. It's not a big deal, is it? Mei let go of me, resting her hands on my shoulders. "Yume, pull yourself together- You're going to be fine," She reassured me, but I shook my head, my eyes flashing a light gray. "No! I'm not going to be fine! I'll deny it as much as I want-"
"Yume, listen to me. Pull yourself together or you'll pass out again." She said calmly. "Stop telling me the same thing! I'm still going to deny it!" I still couldn't control myself. The Herrscher would take over my body any moment now. Mei started shaking me. "Yume, you'll pass out again, just listen to me. You'll be fine." My eyes reverted back to their normal color. "I'm sorry... I lost it for a second..." I said, looking down at the floor. "You should go back to your room, no? You must be tired." Mei pointed out that I was tired. She wasn't wrong about that. "Yeah, I'm quite sleepy... I'll get to my room now." I said while yawning. Mei turned off the lights as I walked to my room, feeling slightly dizzy on the way there. I don't think I can make it. I feel sort of dizzy... My bedroom door was only a few steps away, so I might be able to make it. I placed my hand on the doorknob, turning it slightly before actually opening the door. I stepped inside, quickly shutting the door and standing in front of it. I don't think I would want to leave my room after tonight.

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