06 - Hazy

385 12 0

Bold Italics - Herrscher of Illusion
Bold - Herrscher of Illusion & Yume
Italics - Thoughts
Underlined Italics - Herrscher of Eternity
{NEW}Underlined - Herrscher of Eternity & Yume
[A/N: Guess what? Captain(AKA You!) has been added!]

[Murasaki Yume POV]
I had a strange dream. It felt so real, but there's nothing wrong with that, right?
"Hey...Are we there yet? How much longer until-" I puked in the bucket I held in my hands again as I felt a hand on my back. "Yume, you're homesick, aren't you?" Fu Hua asked, rubbing my back. I lifted my head from the bucket I was holding for a second. "Yeah. I'm not used to going on missions a lot." I said before puking again. "I see. I know that feeling all too well." Fu Hua sympathized with me. "I think you'll be fine, hopefully." She said, backing away to give me some space. "Yume. Get it together. You should've stayed at the dorms today, no?" Hikaru asked, ruffling my hair in a somewhat comforting way. "Are you sure I'll be fine?" I asked the Herrscher. "Mhm. Cheer up, you'll be fine after the mission." Hikaru smiled, disappearing.

《Back at the dorms after the mission》

I almost collapsed on the floor, but I didn't. How many hours ago was the mission? I don't even know. The whole thing was a blur, I can't remember it clearly. Does this have something to do with a certain Herrscher? I could see myself...Falling into an unknown abyss? Where am I? What was I doing there? I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Boo. I found you~" A voice said as I felt a hand over my mouth, preventing me from speaking. "Who-Who are you?" I asked, my voice muffled from the hand covering my mouth. "Aw. My vessel forgot when I am, it seems." The voice said again. Before I knew it a voice called out to me, but it didn't sound clear to me. "Yume...Wake up..." The voice said as I tried to fight it. "No—I'm not getting up! Who are you and what do you want?" I demanded answers, but I felt a firm grip on my shoulders. "Get yourself together or I'll give you bridge duty!"
"Gah! Not bridge duty! I hate that!" I shrieked, immediately sitting up. I stared at the person in front of me. "Oh, Yume. You're finally awake." It was no one other than the Captain of Hyperion, [Y/N]. "Nngh...Captain?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes lazily. "C'mon. Get up, you've got bridge duty." Captain said with a smirk on their face. "Captain! You know I hate bridge duty!" I shrieked, my eyes widening. "Pfft! Your reaction was adorable!" [Y/N] chuckled as I glared at them. "But I hate bridge duty. I'm not wrong, am I?" I said rather coldly. Captain gave me a somewhat sympathetic look. "You're not acting like yourself today. Is something wrong with one of my favorite valkyries?" They asked, lightly cupping my face in their hands. "Tch...What are you talking about? I'm fine, Captain." I lied. It was at this moment that I knew...

I had been caught in the act of pretending everything was fine when it really isn't.

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