chapter four

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Season one, episode fourteen

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Season one, episode fourteen

HUNTER GROANED UPON HEARING A KNOCK at the front door, one that just wouldn't stop. He had been up all night with Sky, and while he loved the girl with literally all his heart, he was super annoyed and tired by the next morning. That, added by the incessant ringing and buzzing of his phone was pissing him off.

"Who is it—" the Saltzman boy stopped upon seeing a familiar face at the door, smiling as he shook his head. "Oh look, the vampire."

"I need your help, it's Elena." Stefan didn't bother with introductions, through their few interactions, he knew that Hunter wouldn't care for them anyways.

"That girl really knows how to get herself into trouble." The teen clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Maybe you should lock her up in a tower or something."

"Funny." The Salvatore retorted, shaking his head. "Can you help, please?"

"How do you want me to help? Maybe you should all go to the police like regular people, it would make your lives a lot easier, I promise." Hunter responded, the boy leaning up against the door frame.

"You are a witch, aren't you?" Stefan questioned, furrowing his brows.

"I prefer magic connoisseur, witch is really Salem, but sure." The Saltzman boy shrugged. "Is there a point you are approaching?"

"I just need a locator spell." The Salvatore's eyes seemed desperate, like this was a life and death situation.

.. and maybe it was.

"Listen, Elena seems like a nice girl and all but, I can't do magic, literally." Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "Unless you prefer a natural disaster, random mass murder, or something else of epic proportions to plague Mystic Falls."

"I'm begging." Stefan responded. "Please?"

"I can'—"

"I can do magic." Sky spoke up, her blanket wrapped neatly around her. "If you really need it."

"I don't want you getting involved in this stuff, Sky. It's bad news, he's bad news, Bonnie told me all about him." Hunter explained, the blonde shaking her head at his words.

"We can't just let someone get hurt." The Laveau girl let out a slight sigh. "Besides, i've been in my fair share of trouble lately."

"Exactly why you shouldn't—"

"I'm doing the damn spell." Sky interrupted, sighing as she threw her blanket on the couch, walking towards the door. "Are you coning or not?"

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