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No one's really noticed me because I don't make a full or do bad things like my brother. He does it for attention and I don't blame him with how people are to us we'll him. Like I said no one really noticed me despite Naruto and I literally looking the same. I in class shaking me head at the fact once again Naruto was getting into trouble. I raised my hand. Iruka Sensei was shocked by this.
" Yes Natsumi?"
"Naruto is getting himself into trouble again."
"I go figures he always doing stupid shit."
"He is stupid li-"
"He isn't stupid he just a slow learner, plus none of you actually take anytime to get to know him so don't judge him."
They all looked at me as I slapped my hand on the desk pissed.
"Why stand up for him he a-"
"I sudjust you think before you finish that because yeah Naruto takes your shit that you have through at him since he was little but I don't so fucking stop talking shit about my brother idiot. How would you like it if people have always treated you like complete shit and growing up with no fucking parents. Unlike all of you Naruto and I are the only two left of our clan. Frankly I done with the shit all of you say about him when he done nothing to you at all."
I sat down crossing my arms as Sensei came in dragging Naruto whom right away noticed my anger and came over.
"What's wrong Umi, which one of you ass hats pissed off my sister."
"Naruto go sit your ass done right know."
"Yes Umi."
He went and sat as my left eye twitched in anger. People piss me off they have no idea what it's like having no parents let alone having grown ass adults push you around for no fucking reason. After class I went and throw a Kuni at a tree.
"What do you two want!"
"Stay away from Sasuke."
"What the duck that emo ass boy in or class. Look I do not like him at all and frankly I watched enough to know he doesn't like you to rather. Now I have some were to be and frankly your waisting my time with the hole stupid Sasuke this Sasuke that. Not every fucking girl like his Emo ass."
I left to the hokage's office were I was being trained in medical ninjutsu. I signed after healing an injured animal and sat down brining my knee's to my chest.
"Everything alright."
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack."
"How the academe!"
"I want to beet up some idiots in my class who bad mouthed my brother like always."
"Well once gain you mastered a jitsu that takes most years to learn."
"What's new Tenzo and I don't even understand why I was even placed back in the academe when I already know that shit."
"Team work that's why?"
"I work with other just fine."
"Naruto doesn't count."
"Why not!"
"He is your brother."
I signed and stood up walking away done talking. I went to the park and sat on a swing. A puppy jumped on to my lap and was licking me. I was laughing and petting him.
"Akamaru there you are. Oh your-"
"Okay okay little guy that enough."
"Sorry sis Akamaru jumped out of my arms and ran off."
"Oh Miss Uzamaki any luck figuring out why they sent you back to the academe."
"To learn to work with other apparently my brother doesn't count. Here he a sweet puppy."
"We're are you going?"
"I have things to do."
" Kiba Miss.Uzamaki is actually a very advanced ninja and as you heard us she was placed back in the academe to learn to work with others."
I walked off to meet Naruto and Iruka. I sat down and placed my head on the counter.
"What wrong?"
Why doesn't Naruto count when it comes to working with someone. It's stupid why do I even need to work with the idiots that have nothing nice to say. Let alone thinks I like the Emo boy in our class. Like what the hell this is pissing me off and I just want to go back on missions away from the idiots and jerks but no I have to learn to work with them despite not liking any of them. Like what gives them the right to take trash about my brother when they no shit about what he has gone through let alone the both of  us. I really want to beet the shit out so many of them before you came back to class."
"I am glad you didn't."
"Any way Naruto how in the fuck do you even like pinkie her and the blonde are total bitches. Plus she always mean to you it's just toxic and I hate how she treats you."
A couple days latter were were all placed in teams. I was placed with my brother because they were afraid I would beet the shit out of anyone else. I was sitting next to the Emo boy when pinkie came over.
"Move so I can sit next to Sasuke."
"Fuck off pinkie."
"Sakura chan you really should mess with Umi."
"Move it fatty!"
"First off  you really should have listened to my brother. Second have you looked in the mirror lately Pinkie. Third your fucking with the wrong person. Yeah I might be with you idiots but I am way beyond this damn shit you all have been learning. I been forced to come back to learn to work with shit heads like you pinkie. Fourth frankly you got your panties up your ass if you think I getting up just because you demand me to and because you want to make blondy up their jealous. Pretty sure your annoying ass isn't wanted anyway."
"She not done Shikamaru."
" I said move."
"Not happening pinkie. I sat down first and I tend to stay were I am and not listen to your weak ass."
Who do you think you are anyway."
Natsumi Uzamaki pinkie and someone who can kick your ass as well. So I sudjust you sit you flat ass down and shut the fuck up for once."
Emo boy was chuckling and I sent him a glare as Naruto sat next to me as pinkie sat next to him. Everyone was dismissed to meet there team leaders. We were still in the class room.
"Naruto sit you fucking ass down."
"In a minute."
"sensei want fall for that."
"I give up there no use in even saying shit to him."
I shook my head and sighed. Sure enough Sensei fell for it and I sighed.
"Alright brats-"
"Who the fuck you calling a brat old man."
"Shit I forgot that you were going to be on the team."
"It's not like I have a choice!"
"Salty about all of this still."
"Yeah so what I could be on missions that are worth my time then be here with pinkie and Emo boy."
'what about-"
"I live with his ass plus we work well together and I can deal with his shit."
I got up and sighed and walked out after he finished what he had to say. I was eating when the fucking Emo boy came and sat next to me.

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