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The next exam was here and clearly Natsumi was Uneasy about it. Naruto was busy talking to younger kids. Sakura was calling Into names and vise versa. I tapped Natsumi's should and she wiped around before sighing.
"Why are you so uneasy about this exam?"
"It's not the Exam, it's the members from the sound village their chakra is evil and I have a bad feeling as well. How ever my abjective is to make sure you,Naruto and pinkie don't get killed on this exam well mainly Naruto but I don't think he -"
"Why do you and-"
"Hold that for a minute?"
She had blocked a Kuni which had scratched the instructors face and before the sound village person could. The shocked looks on everyone's face as she went over her left eye twitching in anger.
"Never ever through a Kuni at any one in my village again when they aren't paying attention and clearly talking about the exams. If I ever seen any of you sound villagers do it again your ass is dead."
"Don't calm down."
She did calm down and I looked at Naruto nodding. She walked away from the sound village and came back next to me whispering.
"Thanks again."
"Not an issue?"
"When did the get so close?"
"No fare she does like Sasuke?"
"Ino pi it's not like that at all. She will only listen to Naruto and Sasuke."
"She listens To Sasuke because he some what like her and Naruto. The only difference is he knew his clan and his parents."
"How do you know the Neji?"
"Everyone knows the Uchiha clans mass murder and how Naruto and anger issues lost both their parents when the were babies."
"Neji right even my parents told me."
"Guys I am pretty sure is also because unlike all of use he actually taken the time to get to know her and from what I been told her anger issues are because of the village and how both her and Naruto were treated growing up. Plus most of you talked shit about him."
"He not my boyfriend. How many times must I tell you that Haru sees me as a little sister and he has a girlfriend."
"You guys know she really not that bad."
"How can you say that Hinata?"
"She actually a very kind person what you brake down her walls. How ever it's very hard to get her to smile if she does smile that is."
"Hinata are you not telli-"
"Hinata  help-"
"There is absolutely no why he's not your boyfriend."
"He not and why would  even think of dating him when he 19 years old and I see h as an older brother as well."
"She not lying Sasuke the way Haru acts with her is that if an older sibling and the way her and Akio are the act like sisters."
"How do you know all that Hinata."
"Well umm heh."
"We are friends that's why got a problem with that."
"How did you-"
"None of your fucking business Pinkie."
"My name is Sakura how many times must I tell you. You use everyone else's name but mine and Ino's."
"I do like like rather of you. Out of everyone you two piss me off the most. Your both annoying as fuck , you always insult each other. The hole Sasuke this, Sasuke that annoys everyone not just me. Your both mean as fuck to me."
"Wait that means after the exams your leaving the village because you able to work with two people?"
"What is he Talking about Natsumi?"
"Nice fucking going Emo boy!"
"Hey I forgot you haven't told anyone else?"
"Actually I told Naruto."
"Your leaving the village?"
"To be trained by the toad  sage and for s  ranked missions."
"You must get a lot of money for doing s ranked missions."
"Depends actually some S ranked missions very on the prince and when you factor in a team the money is usually split and not always even. How haver I tend to suck to small teams when mission it's makes it easier to move with out anything or anyone noticing us. Sometimes I do solo missions as well. They usually hat swapping placed with a person who is traveling or other shit it all depends. Solo missions tend to pay more money then the other two. We should get the scroll."
We all walks to get the scrolls. An idea popped into my head.  I would swap the school out for a fack one. Once it started I did just that and use Justin to turn it into Chap stick. Putting it in to my bra. We ended up running into trouble and it was the sound village female. I hid and watch as she turned into a hole nether person a traitor of the village. He used genjutsu on the. I watched as Sasuke strapped him self in the leg to brake it. He helped pinkie out of the jutsu. Clearly he was in pain. A fight started and I jumped in when it started. How ever the guy came after me after knocking my bother out. I thought fast and used a shadow why going next to Naruto and pinky.
" We're are you really."
"I not a load to actually get involved with any fights you guys get in pinkie. How ever I can step in when really needed. And yes I am a shadow clone but my real self is close by watching you three. L"
I came out of my hiding kicking the guy hard and sent him flying.
"No stay over there with Naruto. He to powerful for you and I can handle Sasuke."
"Stay the fuck there. Sasuke you just had to take him on yourself. Stay here, as for you I told you to fucking leave my people the alone. This team mainly. How dare you go after my brother and teammates. You really picked on the wrong fucking team."
"Calm down child "
You the fuck you calling a child freak."
"He a total idiot for telling her to calm down."
"Let alone calling Umi a child!"
"What are you two talking about?"
"How you really might want to leave before she kills you."
"I like to see her try."
"Naruto get you ass up all the way."
"Natsumi look at me he not worth it I am fine so is your brother. You need to just heal us we are going to be fine. "
"He right Umi this guy isn't worth it."
The guy left as I rushed over to help Sasuke up and nodded at pinkie. We found a place for the boys to rest. She went and got some water as I healed the boys Naruto was asleep and I sighed shaking my head."
"What that about?"
"Your a fucking idiot that what. What were you thinking taking one of the Legendary Sannin like that at. He also. Trailer of out village Sasuke through out for practicing forbidden justu and know he given you a curse mark this isn't good at all."
"Your scolding me but not your bother."
"Oh he going to be scolded when his lazy ass gets up. You should- Sasuke hey, oh god your running a fever."
I went over to Naruto and he was as well. Sakura came back and I took the water wetting cloths and puting them on the boys heads.
"Why are they out you-"
"Look Pinkie I did heal them but my idiot brother used to much chakra again and Sasuke was bitten by one of the Legendary Sannin who happens to be snake like if you didn't notice. His body is trying to heal for that and do not come at me when your the weakest leak in this team. I watched how my brother, Sasuke and Kakashi have had to save your ass a lot. Yes you were able to master the chakra flow to your feet first out of the three off you. But you need to start showing more respect for me I am your superior Sakura and out of everyone you and Ino are the only two I don't get along with let alone can't work with. You to annoy be with all the name calling and the hole Sasuke this Sasuke that shit. Stop obsessing over someone and focus on your damn training."
"Like your any better your always hanging on Sasuke."
"Idiot I don't hang on we are always with each other being his ass followers me if it doesn't have to do with talking to the Hokage and other important thing as well. I also help him train. I help a lot of the other kids training. We will take shifts taking care of the boys you get some rest I got the first shift."
She did as I said as I summed a toad.
"Lady Uzamaki what is it?"
"Take this to the Hokage and this to Kakashi. These letters are impotent now go."
"Yes lady Uzamaki."
She left and I kept my eye out for others and watched the three of them summoning two more toads toad.
"Yes Lady Uzamaki?"
"I need you to go to Jirya and give him this why you I need to keep watch for me."
"Yes Lady Uzamaki and why aren't you wearing the sage cloak."
"Because there people who can't know of that her and it's kinda small on me again. I also have a felling my bother with become a sage as well but go to Jirya."
He did and the other stood watch as I went scaring for food and wood. I found wood that most the animal n the first don't like the smell when it's burning. I also found edible good and tan into Shikamaru. As I found medical herbs as well.
"We're are the others?"
"Resting we were attacked by someone who wasn't who they say they are. I am gathering things for the others and I."
"Shouldn't you be with them?"
"Sakura is there plus I left my summon there as well."
"Lady Uzamaki I bring word from both the Hokage and Kakashi."
"Lady Uzamaki I bring word from Jirya."
"You go first."
"Witch one first."
"They are sending a team of black ops out to look for the ninja. Kakashi said to keep an eye on both Sasuke and Naruto."
"Alright you my go and what did Jirya say "Aki?"
"He is 9n his way to the village to get both you and Naruto but it's going to be a while because he is writing a new book and all."
"Thank you and you may go."
"Toads you summon toads?"
"Yes jirya toughy me a couple years ago."
"Shikamaru wh- oh you?"
"Hey Natsumi what are you doing?"
"Gathering things for team seven. Don't even think about going after the team their school was taken from them when we were attacked."
"Attacked by who?"
"Some one dangerous Ino the Hokage is sending out black ops."
"Are we even safe?"
"Yes I pretty sure he was only after Sasuke so there no need to worry how ever keep your guard up and do not trust anyone out side of this year's teams and team guy. I have a bad filling about the sound village if pared in the next round avoid there attacks at all cost. They all have a curse mark and can be dangerous."
"Is that even edible."
It is actually everything I am gathering is edible. I spent weeks in this first and charting  down what not to eat'to7ch or go by and what You can. Also this wood is very good to worn off any beast around. When burned it let's off a smell that they don't like. I also now quit about about forgiging around other area not just this forest. A nether reason why I quit valuable to a team or just off on training missions."
"Can we-"
"No can do you see the book I chatted everything down in is infused with my chakra and my chakra is different from your guys. I need to get back to the others be safe you three."
I went to the others and put everything down changing the rags on the boys heads.
I built a fire and made some food waking you Pinkie.
"Here eat were going to need our energy."
"Is this even safe?"
"Yes I wouldn't ever kill someone from our village."

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