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I had trouble sleeping through. Pinkie how ever didn't.  I jumped up when I heard screaming guess I passed out. I see Sasuke going after someone and Naruto was still asleep. Pinkie cut off her hair with a kuni. Shikamaru, Choji and blonde had shown up to a yawned and walked over making everyone stop.
"Sasuke that's enough. First off team seven doesn't have any scrolls so get your asses out of her before I kill the three of you."
"Idiots woke her up."
"What's wrong with that Sakura?"
"She hasn't been sleeping a lot and when she finely passed out only and hour ago these guys attacked and know she been awoken by them and is pissed. The team learned never to wake her up when she hasn't slept well in days because of -"
"You three really want to fucking die."
"Hey look Sasuke out of the trance and his holding her back?"
"Let go of me so I can kill these ass hats."
"I sudjust you leave."
"Fuck off pinkie."
"Only I can call her that ass hat."
"A little help here guys."
"No can do my dad told me to never use the mind transfer on her because she able to broke it with out a problem. Why not you Shikamaru?"
"Mine doesn't work on her."
"Nope I rather not get hurt."
"Guess I have no chose."
"Natsumi don't calm down."
My body relaxed and I fell back in to a deep sleep.

"How long have I been out?"
Several days and the hole time she been making sure all of us ate and to bring."
"We will take miss.uzamaki back to the village all of you all continue."
The black ops  left with Natsumi in her arms as I passed out again.

I woke up in the hospital as panick was happening. I got up and changed into my cloths soaking the door opened.
"What going on?"
"The village is under attack."
"Alright calm down and get every one to the safe area in the village."
"But miss you-"
"Fine just need a lot of sleep is all. Hurry go, and I going to go see of I can help."
I ran out of the hospital pulling my hair up in to a bun. I ran into a black ops member.
Your awake good go and help the others you age get the tailed beast to calm down."
I found them and went around in a Panick. I found Pinkie and Sasuke rushing over.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes we are."
"Okay we're is my brother."
"Is that how you found us."
"Some what why but I got to go."
I meet up with Naruto engulfing him in a hug before turning to Gaara. He is still in there I can fill it. I could feel his emotion like how I can with my brother. I jumped on to were his head was placing my right hand on his head and seeing that he gone through Naruto and I did. I felt upset about this yet my anger was already failing for the leaf village after making friends with a lot of others. I went back to my brother and the toad chief?"
"Don't hurt him to bad you two. Gaara is still in there just brake the first tailed best hold on him. Naruto listen Gaara is like us when it comes to how out village treated us."
I went back to the other slowly healing them one by one. I guess I was crying because Hinata came over.
"What's wrong?"
"It pains me to know Naruto and I aren't the only kids who were treated bad by the village they live in?"
"How did you even know that?"
"His chakra and the fact Gaara is not fully taken over by the tailed beast. Using him a a weapon is fucked up all because of the one tailed creature in him. I hate how people think just because their are Jinchuriki that they are just weapon to use when ever well your wrong everyone is wrong. They are people just like all of you. They have emotions, fears and so much more."
"What wrong with her?"
"The things about Natsumi sand ninja is that she can sense others emotion through their chakra."
"She also can see others memories just by placing a hand on a person's head."
"It her way of actually getting to know some people."
"She most likely used it on Gaara because of his Chakra."
"It's weird through even with us she doesn't even get mad about shit like this."
"That's because she gone through the same pain as Naruto and Gaara."
"Neji what do you mean?"
"Even I noticed growing up how everyone treated both Naruto and her in the village. Her anger is from that , she is taken out years of built up anger out on everyone."
"Sasuke make her calm down?"
"You idiots haven't figured it out yet have you."
"She does the opposite of what you tell her to do that's what."
"Sasuke it's happening again."
"What the fuck."
"Shut up I know Sakura."
I felt arms around my waist holding me up. Then the person whispered.
"Natsumi your chakra is taking a form of its own again. No one else can know about it remember. Please calm down I beg of you Natsumi. Forget about the past and be happy on how fare you come despite how the village was to you and Naruto. You Naruto and Gaara are different and it doesn't matter I promise none of us care About that at all. How ever we do care about your well being mostly Naruto, Hinata and I."
I calmed down noticing how Ino and Sakura were jelous. I didn't care he one of the people I fill safe around. He let go and placed his hands on my shoulders whispering.
"Your not alone princess, you will always have us."
"Remember that princess."

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