"The Storyteller" Creepypasta OC

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"I am no one

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"I am no one. I am but an unbiased third party, observing everything and everyone. A humble narrator."

Name: Amber Ruby Lee

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Creepypasta Name: The Narrator

Species: Human; paranormal influence


Height: 5'9

Hair Style: Blonde curly hair that goes down to her shoulders. It's really curly, tho, so it's mainly just a big ball of frizz in a ponytail because she's too lazy to take care of it

Eye Color: Dark gray

Outfit: Normally wears flannels, choosing comfort over style. All have a hint of red on them somewhere. Light blue jeans with holes in the knees, and brown boots (cowgirl style, amirite-)

Distinguishing marks:  Large burn scar on her left arm (stretches from wrist to elbow)

Distinguishing marks:  Large burn scar on her left arm (stretches from wrist to elbow)

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Amber grew up in a normal, stable nuclear family. However, she had a hard time connecting emotionally to others and understanding people in general- she had a tendency to mimic the emotions others gave off so she could fit in better. This drove her into books and novels, where everything was explained in great detail and every action had a reason behind it.
She began to relate everything to stories, and viewed the world through a storyteller's eyes, trying to explain reasons as to why everyone did what, and writing down everyone's tales in a journal of hers.

However, she didn't even see herself as the main character in her own story. She was simply a humble narrator, telling the stories of others.

As she got older, she was ostracized by her peers because of her inability to connect socially to them. Her mind got darker as she went through high school. She wished she could turn into someone else. She wished she was different. She wished that she could understand and control the stories around her.

After her high school years were, thankfully, over, Amber moved on to college, enrolling in a writing class to hopefully learn to control her own stories.

While on a walk one day, she encountered an old woman on the side of the road who was writing intently in a journal not unlike Amber's. Summoning up all of her courage, Amber walked up and questioned what the old woman was doing.
The elder said that she was writing stories, to which Amber asked if she could possibly see them. The woman hesitated, before handing the journal off to the younger girl.

Amber blacked out after her hand touched the journal. When she woke up, the old woman was gone, and she began to walk back to her dorms, leaving the journal behind. However, it mysteriously reappeared on her bed.
Suspicious, she opened the journal, but it was blank. None of what the old woman had been writing was on any of the pages.

As the days wore on, she felt an urge- a calling- to continue her writing in this journal. So she did, writing down everyone's stories that she came across. But something weird happened: the first story she wrote caused her left arm to explode in intense pain, and a large burn appeared on her arm. As for the story itself? It disappeared.
She learned more about the journal after many weeks of research. It was a legend, a myth. The journal was a demonic being itself, and it survived off of the endings of others. It needed a human soul to bond to, and to feed it. Apparently, the old woman had passed the torch onto Amber without her even knowing it.

The journal needed the endings of others, and Amber finally got the ability to control the stories of others, in the twisted way that the book dictated.

It all worked out in the end.

Amber is....odd.
Since she has a hard time expressing what emotions she has, she tends to mimic what emotions the people around her express (ex, if a friend is extremely mad, she will match that anger and mirror it).
She does have a sort of charm about her, although she denies it vehemently. Her large, seemingly innocent eyes and shy demeanor gives her an advantage when around extroverts that are trying to make new friends-
Very nonsensical and goofy, when around the right people. She doesn't tend to think about her actions or words before she acts on them, so...crap happens. She'll say things that make no sense, and does some pretty stupid things. Like, a lot.
Self-confidence? In the negatives. The main reason why she doesn't see herself as a main character in her own story. She doesn't actively hate herself, but she has a very strong dislike towards herself, and might talk herself out of doing a simple task because of it.
Amber is a very good listener. She's not in the habit of speaking constantly like others her own age, and prefers to listen rather than talk.

Mental Disorders
Slight Asperger's
Imposter syndrome
Body dysmorphia

Abilities (Given to her by the journal)She is a narrator, meaning that she can fade in and out of stories

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Abilities (Given to her by the journal)
She is a narrator, meaning that she can fade in and out of stories. This pretty much just means that she can vanish into a shadow at any given moment, and stay as such until she chooses to come out.

Shifting. The journal allows her to appear vaguely different to every victim she comes across, although she won't actually change. For example, to a certain victim, she may appear as an old woman or even a dog, but to everyone else, she'll still look like herself.

She has to end a story every week or more, or else the journal will cause her intense headaches and burn her left arm again until she finishes her duties

The journal is on her person at all times. Even if she leaves it at home, it will appear in her bag. She can't travel more than twenty feet before it come back. For this reason, she normally rolls it up and sticks it in her pocket. It is very visible most of the time, since you can't stick a whole journal in a pocket. It's obviously gonna stick out.

-loves rainy days and dark weather
-Enjoys feeling needed and helpful
-Knows how to speak Latin
-Loves to read and write (....wow, who coulda guessed)
-Mainly listen to musicals.

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