"The Apparition" Creepypasta OC

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"I'm not really a ghost, I don't think

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"I'm not really a ghost, I don't think. I'm just... invisible."

Name: Diego Chase Vasquéz

Age: 21

Gender/Sexuality: Male/straight

Species: Apparition

Killer or Witness: Witness

General Appearance: Diego has dark brown curly hair that oftentimes gets in his eyes.
His skin is a dark tan due to his Hispanic heritage, and his eyes are a dull gray.
He can be described as a "stickbug" because of his body build- he looks very much like a stickbug, indeed, with his skinny arms and long legs.

Scars: There is a massive scar in the middle of his back from his "death". It can sometimes be seen if he wears a tank top, or raises his arms above his head.

Outfits: Anything that can fit him. Normally, he can be seen wearing white shirts with a black jacket, and worn blue jeans. His style is, uh...very basic.

BackstoryDiego is a fairly unremarkable boy

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Diego is a fairly unremarkable boy. He got average grades in school, wasn't involved in any extracurricular activities, and had one or two vague acquaintances.
His life mainly consisted of him hiding in his room and reading books and watching Netflix on repeat.
It was after he graduated high school when his life turned around.
He was working an unremarkable job, simply an intern at another nameless office in the city, when he decided to take a stroll up to the roof to eat his lunch (because, come on, guys, that's totally normal, right?). He sat on the edge of the roof, and once he was finished with his food, Diego stood up. But too quickly, and- blind with momentary dizziness, he tripped and slipped off of the roof.

Poor guy.

But, as soon as he hit the ground, he blacked out. When he woke up, poor, poor Diego was subjected to being something almost worse than a ghost. He was trapped as an Apparition.

(An explanation: An Apparition is a form of suspension between life an death- a bit more human than a ghost. It's an Earthly Purgatory, for those who suffer from unremarkable deaths, and don't even have that exceptional of a life to determine whether they should go to heaven or to hell. Apparitions appear to be like/ act like humans, with slight supernatural abilities.)

So Diego decided to take a stance on his new position in life, and moved out of the city, deciding to travel the country and try to live the life he didn't even bother with while he was alive.

So Diego decided to take a stance on his new position in life, and moved out of the city, deciding to travel the country and try to live the life he didn't even bother with while he was alive

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Apparition Abilities
- Phasing (Not as cool as it sounds. Sometimes he can go through a really thin object, like a wall, if he focuses hard enough. It makes him incredibly nauseous, though)
-Levitating (A foot off the ground is the highest he can go)
-Invisibility (He's not entirely sure how to control this, so the most he can do is flicker a bit)
-Healing (It sucks. The bigger the wound, the more energy it takes for him to heal. So if he gets stabbed in the chest... he's gonna have to take a nap afterwards)
-Immortality (However, Apparitions can be killed through several different methods. The main one being an exorcism.)

From years growing up in front of the television or in novels, Diego has developed a very wide array of personas. Sometimes he might try to pretend to be a character to help him in a situation.
Naturally, he's a goofball, and makes terrible jokes. And a hopeless romantic. But don't tell anyone.
Diego is the type of guy to have a very difficult time talking to new people and making friends, but once he's bonded, he's never going away. If anyone can stand his nerdy ramblings and awful sense of humor, they're a keeper, for sure!
He's not the brightest...more of a collector of useless bits of knowledge. 10/10 will tell you that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell in a life-or-death situation.
He has to go to bed by a certain time (around ten at night), or else he'll start to get snappish and aggravated at everything and everyone around him.
Let the boy have his sleep.

Theme Song: "Wake Me Up" by Avicii

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Theme Song: "Wake Me Up" by Avicii

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