Youtuber/Dream SMP OC

49 2 14

"𝑁𝑎ℎ, 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑡, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑒, 𝐼'𝑚 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑎- 𝐻𝑂𝐿𝑌 𝐶𝑅𝐴𝑃, 𝐼𝑇'𝑆 𝐴 𝐵𝑈𝑁𝑁𝑌-!"

Name: Elizabeth Redd

Nicknames: Batty

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: (Did face reveal when she first began streaming video games)

Looks: (Did face reveal when she first began streaming video games)

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Main Style: FLANNELS >:D

Nationality: American (Lives in Alabama)

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Nationality: American (Lives in Alabama)

Voice Claim: To be decided laterz

Personality: A very skittish individual, Elizabeth tends to jump and flinch at the most random noises. Her personality jumps from a dry sarcastic sense of humor to a goofball 'gonna-laugh-at-everything' style.
Everything is absolutely hilarious to her. Easily entertained? Yes, definitely.
She tries to make a joke out of everything, and sometimes ends up hurting people's feelings by not filtering out her sense of humor before speaking. However, she is a very empathetic individual who does her best to be caring to everyone- even though it doesn't come naturally to her.
A very friendly individual, it might take a few interactions for her to get used to how to talk to a person, but she'll get it eventually. In the first couple of conversations, she'll probably be more reserved, and not say anything too other words, she'll put on a filter until she gets used to a person

Youtube Name: A_Silly_Little_Batty

Subscriber Count: 4.3 K

Channel Content: Started out with animatics and animations of her own oc's and her favorite YouTubers, but then evolved into playing scary games (because for some reason, people thought it was funny how scared she got over them) and a little bit of minecraft on the side (she really sucks at minecraft, tho)

-Sarah Redd (Mother, 46, alive)
-Patrick Redd (Father, 44, alive)
-Timothy Redd (Brother, 20, alive)

She lived with an average nuclear family until she was 12, when her parents divorced. Her father ended up with custody over her brother and herself, and she lived happily with the two of them, occasionally missing her mother- but she goes out to visit with her every other month or so.
She began her channel as an afterthought, mainly as a place to store all of her finished animatics. However, as they started getting more attention, she began to focus more on her channel, streaming her playing games every now and then as an experiment. After getting some pretty good reviews on them, she posted a couple of polls as to what kind of games she should play next....with scary games mainly coming out on top. Very fun...

Canon Persona (Dream SMP)

Species: Human

Gamer Tag: BattyRaisins44

Home: Near Las Nevadas, in the nearby woods

Allegiance(s): Doesn't have any specific allegiances, helps out everyone to a certain extent

Friends: Tommyinnit, Purpled, Foolish, Sapnap, Quackity, Fundy

Enemies: Eret (She used to be very close to him, but after his betrayal to L'Manburg, they slowly drifted apart, until a strong disliking grew in between the two), and Technoblade (no reason for Techno, she just has a bad feeling around him. Too intimidating...)
(Although she'll overlook their status as enemies to help them both out, depending on the circumstances)

Likes: Foxes, bats, Rainy days, cookies, bread, cool buildings, wandering around

Dislikes: Getting hopelessly lost, cats, zombehs, the nether, mountains

Personality: Elizabeth is a mainly pacifist character, but is not afraid to fight someone when the need arises. She does her best to be helpful, and in the process, sometimes ends up doing more harm than good. Sometimes her personality is almost contradictory- varying some days from an extremely goofy persona, and then moving to a serious killer-for-hire. She is very loyal, though, and will fight to the death for anyone she calls 'friend'. She is overall very trustworthy, and her status as an unallied character has made her a messenger/deliverer for several nations in dire times. Ironically, this aspect of her has earned her several friends that are loyal to

Crush?: Purpled, Tommyinnit, Foolish (honestly just depends on my mood, lol. She's obviously aged up to 21 for any crushes 18+)

Pets: A fox named Raisin

What is their purpose in a war? Are they more of a fighter, strategist, or bystander?: Fighter when the need arises, but mainly a strategist.

Backstory/ Notable History: She's more of an explorer than a builder. For this reason, she set up shop in Tommyinnit's house, but when Dream started destroying things in search of the discs, she moved into Purpled's UFO. During L'Manburg's prime, she helped supply them with some materials in exchange for a pass to wander around whenever she wanted to.
After all that went on after that, she decided to move into the woods so her stuff would be protected, and she didn't establish any ties with any sides, but rather helped out whoever asked her.

Lives left: 2/3

How did they lose their lives, if they have?: She lost a life because of Eret. After his betrayal of L'Manburg, she went to go confront him at his castle. Before she arrived, Eret- convinced by Dream that her real plan was to kill him, even though that was not the truth- set a trap in front of his entrance using the doorway, and she was crushed by what Eret later claimed was a "sticky piston" malfunction

Weapon of Choice: Iron Pickaxe (hey, whatever works)

Flaws: Once she's set her sights on something, she will not stop until she's done it- which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. She also can be hurtful to others at time, since she has no filter left in her head and a horrible sense of humor. She has little to no regard for animal's lives except her fox, Raisin. Need help offing your enemy's beloved dog? She's the gal for the job

Strengths: If you give her time, she's a very intelligent girl, and thinks out most of her actions before the acts upon them. Loyal to a fault- as long as she considers you a friend worthy of her undying protection.

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