"The Musician"- Obey Me! OC

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"Music is the key to life itself. It contains the emotions and thoughts of people from millions of years ago. Even someone who doesn't know how they themselves feel or believe can write a piece of music that so perfectly reflects their inner desires- oh. Oh, yeah, I originally came in here to ask if you had a piece of gum I could have-"

Name: Ruby Elizabeth Cane

Age: 19

Gender/ sexuality: Female/straight

Gender/ sexuality: Female/straight

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Face: Ruby has a very pale, heart-shaped face with small freckles around her nose. Her eyes are quite large and a lovely grayish blue hue. Her lips are scarred and oftentimes chapped from her unfortunate habit of chewing on it when anxious or bored

Hair: Very dark blonde hair, almost borderline brown. It's extremely curly, but most oftentimes is stuffed into a messy bun just to get it out of the way. The majority of the time, one single curl will dangle down from the bun right off to the side of her face

Scars: There is a large scar on her right leg. When she was younger, she was in a bad car accident, and had to get surgery to fix it. Because of this, she walks with a slight limp and cannot run very fast without her leg hurting.

Outfits: School uniform is worn precisely how it is meant to be. All of the buttons? Buttoned correctly. Skirt? Worn like a champ, even though she's not the biggest fan of it.
While at dorms, Ruby tends to wear more comfortable clothing, such as large hoodies or oversized t-shirts.
When going out, she is forced to wear something more "appropriate", eventually changing into a pair of dark jeans with a light sweatshirt.

Jewelry: Wears a locket necklace with a picture of her and her brother inside, and a small watch on her wrist. Earrings are a maybe, but when she does wear them, they're just small studs

History (Brief)Ruby grew up with her father and older brother Karl, since her mother left them when she was only a baby

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History (Brief)
Ruby grew up with her father and older brother Karl, since her mother left them when she was only a baby. Relatively unbothered by the lack of a maternal figure, she grew up with more of a masculine and paternal influence. She had no choice but to become a tomboy.
However, when she was fourteen, her father got into a car accident with a semi while she was in the car with him. She miraculously survived with only damage to her leg, but her father was not so lucky. Her brother (then twenty), took control of the house and took care of her.
When Ruby turned eighteen, her Karl announced his engagement to a long-time girlfriend of his, and he gave the house to Ruby, deciding to leave and start a new life with his fiancee. For this reason, there wasn't any particular fright when Ruby suddenly disappeared into the Devildom.

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