Chapter One - Slender Virus

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Author's Note - Please play the above video. It helps with the effect of the story. There will be one at the beginning of each chapter.

The church bells rang solemnly through the cemetery. The soft pitter-patter of rain sprinkled down on the attendees of the funeral on the dreary afternoon. Deep in the cemetery a preacher gave his speech as a light colored wooden casket was lowered into the ground. This eulogy was going to be the one to haunt you.

You stood there in disbelief at the sight. There went your best friend six feet under. You choked back sobs to make it look like you were staying strong. Jnside was a different story. Your heart was in shatters..

A tall and slim dark haired lady walked up to grave. Mrs. Lin., your best friend's mother, tossed a bouquet into the grave on top of her child's casket. You cast a look her way filled with sorrow as she fell to her knees and screamed in agony.

The people standing around her stepped back to give her space though her husband rushed to her side. Mr. Lin held back his own emotions as he held his wife. She screamed and pounded her fists against the dirt in frustration.

"Emilyyyyyyy! It can't be. My baby can't be gone...noooooo," she wailed. Your heart sank even further.

The preacher started to move towards Mrs. Lin and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Emily is no longer hurting anymore after her accident. She is resting and watching over you now as we speak." he said as softly as he could muster.

Mrs. Lin just hung her head and continued to cry into the dirt. She didn't even act like she had heard him. Mr. Lin said something into her ear and she then shot up from the ground, brushed her dress off, then tidied her hat.

She was strangely composed now. You cast a dirty look at her husband. He had always been one to worry about appearances no matter the circumstance.

He stood back and nodded at her. She then nodded towards the pallbearers and grave keepers as she joined her husband. They locked arms and began to walk to their car as the preacher dismissed the funeral. Everyone else began to disperse from the grave site, but I held back and leaned against a tree near the site.

I wanted to stay with Emily just a bit longer. She and I were friends for so long. I smiled a bit as I remembered just how much of a beautiful person she was. She was the type of person whose smile lit up the room. She was so supportive and kind-hearted to all. She was a warm and loving person who was there for me through so many rough years.

She was my rock since middle school. Emily and I were inseparable.

Now I watch as shovels pile dirt after pile of dirt on top her casket. It is so scary how quickly things change. How quickly things can go wrong. Just two weeks ago we were your average high school seniors preparing for our graduation. Graduation is in less than a week now.

I shook my head as the events of the past two weeks came flooding back. I held my head and sighed.

That is when I heard it. The noise. The static that slowly started growing louder and louder. It has taunted me for days. I whirled around at the source of the noise and saw a figure in the distance covered in fog. The rain started picking up as I squinted to see in the cloudy conditions. 

A tall being stared at me. A faceless being that radiated blood lust and overbearing authority.

I screamed at the sight of it. This was it. The thing that caused Emily's death. I could feel it my bones.

I heard laughing from behind me and I turned to look at the graveside where all the people that were standing there and glaring at me. All with the same look. A look that was out for blood. They all laughed at me holding their shovels.

I backed away in shock. This can't be real. This can't be happening.

Then I heard another laugh between the crazed grave keepers and the static. A light, airy laugh. Emily's laugh. A small petite hand grasped at the edge of the grave as what looked to Emily pulled itself up.

She was so pale. So pale. Her lips were blue and her clothes were covered in clay and dirt. Her long raven hair was matted and her funeral dress was torn at the bottom. Her brown orbs were dilated to the point they were black...her eyes were lifeless black pools.

That is when I saw the scar. The scrape across her neck from ear to ear. I stifled a cry and began to step towards her. "Emily..? It can't are d-dead...this can't be happening-" I was cut off by her throwing her head back in maniacal laughter, the scar opening and blood leaking out as she did so. I begin to feel sick at the sight of all of this.

She pointed behind me as a hand was  placed on my shoulder. It was a large bony hand with blackened, jagged claws. I followed the hand up to see the figure looking down at me with it's nonexistent face. The static sound grew so loud that my ears felt like they were going to burst.

The skin on it's face began to stretch into a grotesque grin. I was shaking and paralyzed from fear. It spoke four words before I collapsed-

"You belong to me."                    

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