Chapter Three - Confrontation

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I slept restlessly and woke several times as the nurse came into the room to check on me periodically. I was told I slept so long that my high risk watch was up but I had to wait for the doctor to arrive in the morning to be given the okay to be unbound.

This news angered me but it couldn't be helped.

The nurse did at least turn on some television for me to pass the time.

Seven a.m. arrived and a knock resonated through the room startling me before a man walked in with a clipboard.

He was an average looking older guy with a comb over and a well kept salt and pepper beard. He smiled as he took a seat next to the bed.

"Good morning Mx. (L/n). I will be your doctor at this facility. My name is Dr. Ross Wallard." he said in a low voice. "So it seems you had an accident at a funeral? Can you tell me a bit about that as I unbind you?"

I shake my head yes as I watch him unbind the straps and realize how sore and stiff my arms and legs are. "Yes. She was my best friend. It was her funeral. I don't really remember much after they buried her...can you tell me what happened since the nurse didn't?," you responded.

"Mhm yes so it seems that your accident occurred around 4:13 p.m. A group of young men that are employed at the graveyard said that you started acting manic and screaming at them and at an unknown presence that you strongly believed was there with you. When someone tried to approach you, you had jumped on them and started clawing at their face. By the time you had been restrained you were acting as if you were having a panic induced seizure and your eyes were rolled back."

You laid there in shock. You could not believe his words. What did this mean for you?

"So you are now enrolled in a 14 day program to ensure your betterment and safety back into society after your episode. I must ask if there has been a history of mental health issues for you or your family?"

"I-I no sir...this all is too much." you say shakenly.

"I assure you that when you leave we will have a better outlook on things. This is a lot to handle I know but things will get better from here on." he said offering you a gentle smile.

Days passed. Day in, day out. Bleak and lonely. Your aunt had stopped by a few times but only for short periods of time and you weren't allowed to leave your room.

You still weren't allowed to have your phone - or any electronics for that matter. You were offered a sketch pad during one of your daily therapy sessions that you took back with you. It beats sitcoms and infomercials you guessed.

You sat by the window and sketched a tree that was outside your window. The spring breeze rustled it's leaves and you longingly wished you were outside enjoying the nice weather. Being on the first floor you were ground level and it made it all the more alluring.

Someone was walking up the path into the hospital.

He had a yellow leather jacket and blue jeans on. His dark hair was tousled by the wind. He had light facial hair and sideburns that suit him quite well. His dark eyes were fixed on the hospital entrance and he seemed upset.

You turned your attention to your door as your nurse came in and brought you a cup of water.

"Thank you Delilah. I appreciate it." you smiled her way.

She grinned and nodded. "That is what I'm here for, ya know?"

Loud talking was heard from the hallway which could be heard because the door was left open.

"I will be right back for your mid morning vitals-,"she said as she rushed out to see what the commotion was.

She left the door open again. She sure must have been in a hurry to have done that.

I tip toed to the door and peaked out to see the guy arguing with a desk clerk and two nurses, Delilah being of them.

"No, you don't understand! I used to be a patient here. I need my medicine. " he urged, his voice raised.

"Sir, please calm down before we have to escort you out. Let me check my system to see if we have any prescriptions that can be faxed to your local pharmacy for you. Timothy Wright, correct?" the woman at the desk said to him, her voice stern.

"Don't you take that tone with me, " he replied with spite in his voice. Who did this guy think he was? He seemed so off.

"Mr. Wright this is the fourth time you have approached me with this type of behavior. I am going to go the to the doctor with this information. You may need to be reinstated." she said with warning in her tone.

The guy looked taken aback for a moment before reaching deep into his jacket and whipped out a gun. He pointed it right at her forehead.

Delilah and the other nurse screamed while the desk clerk remained stoic.

"What you think I won't shoot, bitch? I will blow your brains out for talking to me like that," he sneered.

She smiled sweetly and shook her read no. "Mr. Wright when was the last time you took your medication? Your prescription that was prescribed two weeks ago at the correct dosage?"

He began to panic slightly, gripping the gun tighter. "I won't be taking those. They make the noises go away. I want my other pills. They just make it a bit easier to deal with him. I can't control him. Brian and Alex don't help things either. Seth is g-gone...I can't deal with this bullshit anymore."

"Sir," Delilah stammered," please do me a favor and take a deep breath. Let's just take a moment and breath and we can escort you to Dr. Wallard, alright?"

The man pointed the gun at her and smirked, "Why don't you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut. This doesn't concern you."

Delilah nodded, "Yes, Mr. Wright but in order to-"

"Here let me see if this makes me look more serious," he said before pointing the gun at the other nurse and shooting her square in the head.

The lady's head snapped back before she crumpled into a pool of her own blood.

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream. I can't believe this man just snapped like this.

Delilah pulled a taser out of her waistband and proceeded to taze him, but he shot her wrist before she could do so and kicked her chin causing Delilah to screech and start twitching in pain on the floor.

The desk clerk had pressed what I had supposed to be a panic button because all the doors had closed and red lights and alarms were going off.

What I had failed to realize was I had completely stepped out of my room while watching the encounter take place. My stomach dropped at this realization.

The man quickly shot the desk clerk in thr head and then turned to Delilah who was doing her best to inch away from him.

He grinned and picked her up her throat and held her up off the floor. He had surprising strength. His manic look was sickening.

I stayed locked in place in fear of what he may doctor me if noticed me. What do I do?

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