Chapter Four - Taken

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Panic ensued the hallway as security guards and nurses rushed our way. The guy seemed completely unfazed and continued to squeeze the life out of Delilah. Delilah was shaking and clawed at his hands with her uninjured one.

"Timothy Wright put the woman down now. This is doing more harm than good for you." a man in a security guard uniform instructed him.

A nurse came up to me and shielded me. "What are you doing out of your room?!" she quietly asked me. "I-it was an accident-" I started to say before I heard a loud static over the speakers.

Everyone covered their ears in pain except Timothy. He began to cackle with delight. He threw Delilah against the wall hard enough for her to black out and began to march towards the pharmaceutical area of the building which was the next hall over before stopping as the guards held him at gunpoint.

A dense fog started to consume the halls and everyone froze. Tim pulled a mask out of his pocket and placed it on his face.

A face of pale white with feminine features. The eyes black and almond shaped where Tim 's brown ones peered through. The mouth looked like a woman wearing black lipstick. The very sight of it made him all the more unsettling.

The power surged a couple times then went out, plus the thick fog people started pointing flashlights and there phones to see better.

The nurse that was next to me seized me and started to try to escort me back to my room, but Tim pointed the gun at her.

"Leave this one. It is infected. The Slender Virus has already consumed them." he said and she loosened her grasp before stepping back. I turned to look at her eyes that were filled with white and a black circle through it. She grinned and nodded at him.

What was she doing?! It was her job to protect me wasn't it? Why were eyes like that...they were contacts right? What kind of a robbery is this?

I started to hyperventilate as he stumbled over to me and grabbed me by my (H/l) hair and pushed me into the wall.

Guns clicked all around us as the guards pointed their guns at him. Then screams filled the halls as people began to drop like flies.

The guards, the nurses, they all started writhing on the floor blood pouring their mouths, choking on their own blood.

My chest heaved in terror and panic as he leaned to whisper in my ear. "Don't move a muscle or I may have to shoot you in the legs. Sadly, my Boss won't allow me to kill you because that would put my life on the line as well."

His voice was low and raspy. It sent shivers down my spine. Not in a good way either.

"Now sunshine let's go get my meds and ditch this shack." he said and dragged me by my hand.

I reluctantly let him tug me along for fear of what he would do to me.

As we walked through the halls the stench of blood and fresh corpses was enough to make me faint, but I pushed through that feeling. I can't die. I have to stay strong for Emily. She would kick my as if she saw me given into this creep.

We arrived at a pair of double doors that he kicked in with ease and drives me into a chair.

"Sit there, pet. Let me grab what I need and then we will leave mkay?" He said and smirked as he navigated to the cabinets lined with hundreds of pill bottles.

"What d-did you just call me?" you stammered out taken aback.

He chuckled darkly as he stopped at a certain row of pills. "Bingo!" he exclaimed, making you jump much to his delight.

"Oh you will be so fun to break. The Boss had better let me-" he started to say before the doors barged open and two males staggered in.

One wore a yellow hoodie and cargo pants. He had a mask on like Tim but his was like a black ski mask that had a red frowny face and red dots for eyes sewn in.

"Masky we have to leave now. The Boss is at the treeline waiting for our report. You got what was necessary right? We don't need flying off the handle again," he said in an extremely low, monotone voice. It sounded like he used a voice box to alter his actual voice.

The other male nodded. He was tall and spindly with a grey striped jacket and black jeans. He had a messy mop of caramel hair and orange goggles with a striped mouth guard.

He seemed a bit more off than the other two you thought until you saw him twitch. Tourettes or epilepsy maybe?

"Y-yeah let's get g-go I need so we st-tic-ay on good terms, Tim. W-we are on a t-tic-time crunch," the goggled man stuttered out.

"Shut it Rogers I don't need two babysitters thank you," Tim-or well Masky as he was called spat.

You stared at the trio thinking back to photo that Emily sent you a few weeks ago.

You felt physically ill. This can't be. You feel dizzy and start to wobble in your seat as the yellow hooded guy rushed to your side everything went black.

My Heart is Yours (Masky x Gen. Neutral Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن