Chapter Two - Hospital

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Light. I am surrounded by white light. I blinked slowly and tried to sit up but found I was restrained from doing so. I began to panic as adrenaline set in. I frantically looked around at my surroundings. I was in a hospital room and had straps bounding my hands and feet.

I saw a red button that signaled a nurse and pressed it. A few seconds later a nurse burst into the small room. She was a tall woman with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Her hair was tightly knotted into a bun. Her glasses were slid down the bridge of her nose as she rushed over to me.

"(Y/n) (L/n) yes?," she said. "Yes..that is me. Where am I and why am I here? Why am I bound to the bed?!" "Mx. (L/n) please try to remain calm. You had an accident at a cemetery and we had to forcefully restrain you when you arrived here. You are at Centenary Westwood Hospital. We have informed your parents of your condition and they sent your aunt to see to you because they are out of town. She can be reached if you would like to speak to her."

I frowned. An accident? What happened at Emily's funeral? "Where are my belongings? I want my phone please. Also, can I please be unbound?" you asked. The nurse pursed her lips and shook her head no. "I'm afraid you are on a 24-hour high risk watch. Your belongings are in the care of your aunt right now. There is a hospital phone in your room that I can dial her for you if-" "No thank you I need to be alone." "I -well...alright I will let you rest some more. I will be back to check on you shortly. My name is Delilah. Please ring the button if you need me." She said and flashed me a quicker smile before leaving the room. I heard a loud click. That must have been the lock.

I feel really woozy and my head is pounding. I can barely think. My mind is blank after the funeral ended. All I remember is everyone left and I stayed behind. After that everything is like static. Static...that is all I heard right now too. I remember heard that at the funeral.

I thought back to when Emily told me a week ago that she had started hearing things. Seeing things. She started acting so paranoid and scared. I stayed over at her house for three days straight and she kissed so many days of school. Her parents were worried sick for her but she assured them she didn't need a doctor.

Then one night she texted me really late at night around 1 am. Luckily I was up gaming on my Nintendo Switch. It was a school night and I just got done studying for our last big test before finals and I needed to chill a bit before I laid down for sleep.

Ding. Ding. Ding

I glanced at my phone that was in my night stand. It went off several more times before it rang. I quickly grabbed it and answered it. "Hey Emily I saw you texted are you-" "(Y/n) it's here. There are more of them this time. I knew I wasn't mad. I knew I w-wasn't fucking crazy." she stammered.

"What? Em it is like 1 in the morning. Did you have a nightmare again?" "NO! I see it! I see that thing and it's damn proxies. They are staring at me from the treeline."

"Em please-" my phone dinged again. "See look! They are right there! See for yourself!," she screeched. I looked down at our chat messages and clicked on the image she sent me. Sure enough it was a photo of the trees outside Emily's house, the full moon beaming through the window. I squinted at the photo as Emily rustled and moved around during the call. I saw an orange, yellow, and gray they were figures. A chill ran down my spine as I realized three people were standing amongst the trees in the photo.

And then I saw It. The tall faceless being. It stood several feet taller then the other three people.

I heard glass break as I gasped and heard Emily scream in terror.

"Emily run!" I shouted into the phone. I quickly got up out of my bed and ran down the hall to grab the house phone.
I frantically dialed the emergency number.

"911 what is your emergency?," a calm male voice spoke before I burst out, "H-hi I need help! My friend is in trouble. She is being attacked by four people I-I am on the phone with her and I am scared-" There is a loud bang and laughter from the phone then dead silence. Static is heard before the line goes dead on my phone. I look down at it in horror and drop it.

"Oh my God I heard a gunshot p-please help - her address is 549 Rustic Lane." "A squad car will be sent there immediately. Please hold on the line for me."

I drove to the hospital two hours later. When I arrived she was unconscious and had heavy wounds from battery from the attack. I was only able to visit one day because that night a break-in happened at the hospital and her throat was slit. Three men were said to have attacked her.

It all happened so fast. The hospital staff apologized so much for the occurrence but it still wouldn't bring Emily back. Whoever those bastards were I would make them pay one day. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

I began to quietly cry due to frustration as my vision became blurry. I was so drowsy the room started spinning. I gave into the need for sleep.

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